Hello everyone! Welcome to the new episode of driving moments. In this chapter you will watch some interesting moments when drivers encounter kind, wicked and arrogant people! Do not forget to like the videos for new videos and express your thoughts in the comments!
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    ▪️A big thank you to everyone who sent their videos to us and allowed us to use them!
    Super thanks to BlackFiat500!
    Dan23 7 | https://www.youtube.com/@UCqJaedMTHvHY8Z7om6ycLVA
    Dashcam UK | https://www.youtube.com/@UCJWjQLhMGdnlBzZwhZr94AA
    Julan Alethari | https://www.youtube.com/@UC5VXhBIDxZliGkwcCVZk6gQ
    the driver v28 | https://www.youtube.com/@UC8JFmQgeTEPB9Hl2rMlXMWg
    John Parks | https://www.youtube.com/@UCpi3cHcYlDtlSlCdZ5sJ0YQ
    00:00 Intro
    00:21 Dan23 7 | M62
    00:57 BlackFiat500 | West Yorkshire
    01:32 Dashcam UK | REDDICAP HEATH
    01:53 Julan Alethari | Manchester Rd B5095
    03:49 the driver v28 | M6 ROAD
    05:08 John Parks | UNITED KINGDOM
    07:41 Outro

    #ukroadrage #ukcarcrash #unitedkingdom


    1. I wonder why the VW Van overtaken you and drove erratically, maybe have better lane discipline, plus don't get into contest with people that do punish for you being in the outside lane, like you brake checked him, and undertook vehicles aswell, have a good look at yourself before submitting your clip

    2. TOO many drivers tailgate , then nwonder WHY they CANNOT stop !!? Too many driver queue too close , then are unable to move their vehicle out the way of a blue lighted vehicle trying to get by ! You do not need to read where my reg plate was made from your driving seat !

    3. Wheres this 72 hour nonsense come from? Just checked on my local police webpage, and they simply state matters should be reported within 7 days. Should, not must. Big difference.
      72 hours apply to missing person cases, specifically children where by the first 72 hours are crucial.
      Seems the cammer is making stuff up to justify their lack of action. No problem getting their clip put online though. Funny that.

    4. Drive like everyone around you is a blithering idiot, because the vast majority of them will be. Never assume other vehicles are in the right lane, never assume their indicators are actually indicating where they’re going. Drive defensively and read the road. Plan ahead. So many of these incidents could be avoided.

    5. I'm not sure why the driver of the BJS lorry got so triggered but I did wonder why the cyclist stayed so close to two HGV's driven by a pair of dickheads road raging.

    6. 3:51 I wonder what the cammer had done immediately before this carefully edited clip to set the van driver off. This channel should ask for the 2 minutes of video preceding this type of incident so that we can see the full story.

    7. cyclist vs van driver
      1. In Bedford there's no point reporting dangerous drivers, even if you have video footage, so not worth reporting anyway, the 72 hours restriction of reporting is ridiculous, and probably not legal anyway, what if someone later dies as a result of a similar incident with the same driver? does that make this video inadmissible as evidence?
      Police are often asking for dashcam footage of incidents, long after 72 hours has expired.

      2. I also can't understand cyclists going out on the road wearing all black – it makes them invisible on the road!, When cycling I always wore fluorescent/HiVis clothing to make sure I gave people the best opportunity to see me – I've marshalled loads of cycle races, and some people are their own worst enemy – even though I'm looking out for riders, those in dark kit are sometimes impossible to see, yet those in bright colours can be seen from over a mile away on some roads, yet people wearing black tend to merge into the background, and you can only see them when they get close.

      So it makes you wonder what caused this argument in the first place – visibility of the road isn't always easy from vans, and the angles of some road junctions don't help, it doesn't excuse what the van driver did in this clip, but knowing what happened earlier may explain why this happened.

    8. I wonder what the cyclist had done to the van driver before this footage was taken? Cyclist seem to have a free pass at driving like idiots cutting in and out of traffic skimming your wing mirrors etc, but it's always the car, van, truck or bus drivers fault and just to add a bit more annoyance to us council tax payers councils who are pleading poverty seem to have found a magic money tree to build cycle lanes which NO cyclists ever use

    9. 2:30 I'm not sure there is a time limit for reporting traffic offenses. The only reference I can find to any sort of limit is Hans Police who state that "after you have reported the matter online, you will be contacted and provided a unique link to upload your footage for the incident which you will need to complete within 72 hours". Imagine if you were a pedestrian or cyclist hit by a careless driver who made off leaving you unconscious, a passer by finds you unconscious and rings an ambulance etc, your in a coma for 2 weeks, no one know what happened other than you and the guilty driver. Your coma would exceed the 72 hour limit and the guilty driver gets away with it.

    10. Yes the bin lorry cut the lane on the roundabout. It's s a common orrcursnce on this particular roundabout in Doncaster. As a so called professional driver the bin lorry driver should have acknowledged his mistake and let the artic pass without impending him. Well out of order and shiuld have been reported.

    11. At 2:20, incorrect information there. We used to have ten days to report an incident to GMP, but they have recently reduced this down to seven days.

      I've successfully submitted many a report on the seventh day and received feedback that they will either be sending a warning letter or will prosecute the driver. Although I do try to be quicker.

      So I don't know where you got 72 hours from…

    12. Cant watch those uk dash cams to many morons make those videos. Like the "angry man in vw vab", you sit on a fast lane probably doing 55 blocking everyone else behind. Whoo is the twat there ffs

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