The 45th President of the United States Donald J Trump makes a stop in New Hampshire ahead of the February 13th primary.

    Oct. 23, 2023 at 12:30 PM ET
    Please note: the start time is subject to change as the event timeline is updated.

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    1. What a dumb ass he is…and please remember he is NOT the president he is the ex one and he will be going on a long holiday soon…in an orange jump suit…no I am not a physic…just a realist 😅

    2. If you understand protocol….we call all ex president… President. It is the proper way to address them all..whether you like them ot not.

    3. I’ve listen to the man I believe in him as a leader ,but he should learn when to keep quite and when to say something ,all the lies about him ,I heard one just yesterday “ there’s good on both sides “ cut out of a sentence nothing to do with white supremacy but the lying press keep repeating the lie ,knowing it’s a lie ,but keeps repeating the lie as truth 50 time a cnn reporter asked the same question and got the same answer but kept on asking trying to make it seem real it’s one lie from our press along with a thousand others,the press are a democratic tool not available to the republicans very sad and a disgrace. I don’t know if I’d vote for him again but I know I’d never ever vote for stupid joe what a tool

    4. If you live some where without doors or windows or parameters, generally you are homeless. If you buy land without property lines, you have no property rights or property or land. If you live in an area without state lines, you have no state. If you live in a country without borders, you have no country!

    5. What people believe is Trump bragging on himself is not just Trump bragging on himself. It's a good method for success in what you choose to do or a path laid before you. You become your best cheerleader for several reasons. Its to keep you focused. To build you up when you face the doubters, the very tough times, to combat self doubt and not accept defeat and you just keep telling yourself what your goals are and that you WILL meet them and get the job done and done well and you never let your mind think otherwise. You will not stop, give up nor back down and accept nothing short of success and a job well done. You know your doubters and haters and those who wish you harm or defeat will speak so much negativity towards you, you will never need to speak it of yourself. Instead, YOUR job is the speak well over yourself and speak success and good over yourself. You pray over yourself and ask others to do the same and you move forward without dwelling on the negative naysayers. You do protect and defeat and move towards your goal.

    6. Tlaib is probably so inbred for so many generations and brainwashed against America, our beliefs, faith and security for so long that she couldn't change her mind if she wanted to. She will always be against America and our safety and laws. She doesn't like Gods people. Thats for sure.

    7. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      Third grade educations worshiping a dictator..
      He's going to jail. Get used to it..

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