Day 41. 38km (75661kms 6yrs)

    The first overnight downpour of the year coincided with horrifying news from Gaza. I’ve been trying to maintain a sunny disposition by limiting myself to one dose of news a day. But the gloom that settled over me after hearing this morning’s bulletin was matched by the low grey-black clouds. While the sky cleared up my mood did not. Sparkling sapphire waves crashed on chalk-white cliffs but I was unmoved by their beauty.

    At Amathous archeological site I was allowed in for free; usually cause for minor celebration. Without interpretive panels to read I had only my thoughts to occupy me as I walked the tumbledown stone streets.

    Limassol’s waterfront is gorgeous. A bike lane runs the entire length along side boardwalks, ponds, and gardens. A photography exhibit around the concept of land and belonging featured – and was part sponsored by – Israel.

    In an effort to shift my funk I stopped at a bubble tea place. Remembering the line from
    Vanilla Sky “I think she’s the saddest girl ever to hold a Martini” I reasoned I couldn’t be sad with a big taro milk tea with tapioca pearls. But the stupid cardboard straw’s disintegration in the liquid enraged me. At least I was thinking about something else now!

    In the Turkish quarter I found the mosque undergoing extensive refurbishment, and the fort too pricey to enter. After a quick cruise of the marina I left town to the west aiming for Lady’s Mile beach. The IOverlander app noted a nice camp site at the northern end, up a small rise beside the port. Equipped with enough food and water for two nights I pitched up in the sunset resolving to spend the following day there, free of wifi and all news of the outside world.

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    #cyprus #cycling #travel


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