1. Some great shots from the drone showing the vast empty expanse of the desert. The desert is not really my cup of tea much prefer the bush but yes nice tranquility after the noise of Egypt. I hope you will be able to complete the whole journey what with covid restrictions and all kicking in again still only time will tell for now it looks like you having a great time. Loved your reaction on that last empty strech of Eygpt just before border πŸ˜πŸ‘

    2. Your excitement is so fun to see! Love the peace and quiet of southern Egypt/Sudan.
      LOL, so wise to sleep in your beds at the Cleopatra. =D. Yikes!
      4000 km!! Congratulations!

    3. Thanks for sharing your great travels ,it remind me of my Nile tour from base to source ,P.S the dead cows are struck by traffic when the cross to the Nile to drink water,Whats weird ,they just dissolve!! as there is no maggots or vultures to eat them!!

    4. Amazing amazing pictures and the drone shots were absolutely fantastic, but the beats was your face when you finally got there looks like a child in a sweet shop priceless enjoy and stay safe .

    5. Hi! I'm from Brazil and I don't understand English very well. I don't understand why the police escorted you all the way. Did you have to pay for them?

    6. Yes, loved the drone footage of you and Algirdas with the bluegrass music, do you know the name of that instrumental song in your video? Loved it and the footage with it.

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