You want to move to Europe or you already live in Europe and you want to explore other countries/choices where to live? Well that’s why I made this video and presentation!

    This only covers 5 countries but this video ended up being 40 minutes already, which I didn’ t expect. Next time maybe I’ ll cover the other 45 😀

    If you would like to donate & support my silly little videos:

    00:00 welcome to europe
    00:17 netherlands pros
    04:35 netherlands cons
    08:02 germany pros
    10:58 germany cons
    10:58 germany cons
    15:40 france pros
    18:43 france cons
    23:50 sweden pro
    27:05 sweden cons
    32:27 austria pros
    35:05 austria cons
    38:07 things I forgot to mention
    40:50 what we learned

    Feel free to ad ur 2 cents in the comments about the countries I talk about or no

    PS apperently the 49 euro ticket might not exist in 2024 😅 Only got the memo today, kinda sad.

    a tik tok on how swiss german sounds like:

    Also sorry for the darkness in my videos sometimes it was more difficult to set up then I thought. And guess what…I bought a 4th laptop and well xD I have to send it back again, it has some issues. I also now think something is wrong with my video files.

    instagram for aesthetics: @helloerikapeanut
    tik tok for tiktoks: @helloerikapeanut

    Firstly this is based on my expereíence living 5 years in germany and almost 2 years in germany and a year in Austria. Also my friends that live in France, Sweden. So I dounble checked my info wih the friends.
    Dutch housing crisis,has%20simply%20not%20built%20enough.

    Why is there a housing shortage in the Netherlands? The Dutch housing crisis explained

    Pros and cons germany

    38 Pros and Cons of Living in Germany in 2023

    German taxes

    Church Tax in Germany Explained [2023 English Guide]

    Pros and cons living in sweden

    27 Pros and Cons of Living in Sweden in 2023

    Swedish marernity leave

    Maternity & Paternity Leave in Sweden

    vitamin d in sweden,some%20mandatorily%20and%20other%20voluntarily
    Swedish health insurance–scheme-on-january-1st-2023/
    Austrian friendliness,speaking%20countries%20perform%20very%20poorly
    Austrian taxes
    Swedish pros amd cons

    20 Pros and Cons of Living in Sweden

    27 Pros and Cons of Living in Sweden in 2023
    Netherlands pros and cons
    Homelessness in germany,emergency%20accommodation%20was%20put%20at
    cost of living in europe
    culture of saying no in france,your%20wish%20may%20be%20granted.

    purchesing power index
    Quality of life

    Disclaimer: Sorry if you see misspellings, it happens more often then i notice. 28k subs! Let’ s goo! Thank you for watching and I hope you enjoyed the video!

    ✨ And see you soon! ✨


    1. As a German, 95% of homeless people/ beggars in bigger cities are so by choice.
      There are no homeless in medium/small cities.
      We really do have enough social programs etc. to help you get back on track. But you also gotta consider that Germany is the biggest melting pot in the world besides the US, so most homeless are usually eastern european/ non europeans that might be here illegally and don't speak the german or english. This probably puts a barrier to just being aware that such programs exist, but in general nobody in any life situation whatsoever has to worry about food and a warm place to stay if they go to such facitlities. They'll also help you find an apartment, job and even give you disposable income.

    2. If you want to make money go to North (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark)
      But if you want to live go to South (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus)
      Simple as that.

    3. Well you haven't pronounced Enschede properly, so I assume that's why you're still not living there.
      In any country, if you're LIVING instead of VISITING, if you don't have a grip on the language, you're well handicapped (like a person walking around with a blindfold).

    4. I am German, living in Italy for 25 years now and from a holiday in Paris I remember the rudeness of everybody there. Even the person that rented her flat to us seemed unhappy about the fact that she was renting out her flat. I did not find this rudeness anywhere else. Germany, U.K., Italy, Netherlands, Spain…..never found all those rude people in a short time.

    5. The Netherlands AND GERMANY…..are totally being overwhelmed at the moment with illegal immigrants.
      The problem is huge and the burden of this will bring social chaos.
      So this is a bad moment to move to these countries even if you are a legal immigrant.
      People are simply very very fed up and angry and you will not meet the typical German behaviour or the typical Netherlands behaviour at this point in history as regards to how welcoming or unwelcoming they are to foreigners.
      Everything has changed a lot now…..and all for the worse.

    6. I was born in czech but lived in netherlands for years before i came to mongolia my national country. I wanna go back there to study and eventually live again so im relearning dutch and studying the programs and unis. Im glad u talked about it

    7. "It felt like i lived in some kind of simulation… there were huge mountains and it seems like you are in a game where they block off the area so you don't cross it because there is no game to play any more"… I would have still climbed over, worst case scenario would be to fall through the world and respawn at the starting point.

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