What do you think about your topic 10 years later? – this inconspicuous prompt by Joschi & Marc led me to realize: I don’t care about it anymore.

    Intrigued by this realization, I reflected on what brought me to this stage at the Orpheum 10 years ago. I queried myself using the Five Whys technique many times and came to a realization. My being on this stage was a consequence of processes that cascaded through generations.

    As I learned to love the cascade early in developer life, I traced it back to its :root element. What followed was a lot of dusting-off of family photo albums & an unreasonable amount of machine-based image recoloring.

    In this once-in-my-lifetime session, retrace with me how decisions made in 1913 [mɑːkt] me to be on this stage in 2013. In the end, you may realize what brings you here today, too.


    About Tobias Baldauf

    Tobias is a web performance evangelist and #perfmatters engineer at Trivago. He creates innovative web performance tools, new image optimization algorithms and speaks at conferences. He’s a dedicated dad, tries to be a mindful veggy and loves making music.


    More Information about border:none

    Website: https://border-none.net
    About text: https://border-none.net/2023/#about

    Filming: Stefan Nitzsche – https://stn1978.com/

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