1. Enjoyable videos , I am surprised you are not wearing helmets in Spain, I thought they were compulsory there like here in Australia and New Zealand. Over here the cycling infrastructure is not too good and in this state, NSW, you would be fined over $400 for not wearing a helmet although one good law that they have brought in is to leave a meter when overtaking a cyclist, up to 80 kph and 1.5 meters over 80 kph.  Safe travels and looking forward to more clips from you. ☺

    2. I find day one always pushes you to see how much you want it. Day one for cycling across Canada we had some of the worst rain the entire trip and I smashed my phone at the end of the day. Looking forward to watching the rest of the journey!

    3. First: Awesome.
      Next: I'm about to do a bike tour of the same region (and am also from Toronto!) and was wondering what you did with your bike boxes after arrival in Malaga. Did you ditch them or keep them?

      If you ditched them where did you get new ones for the way back? If you kept them, where? and how was it free?

      I'm trying to figure this out… and can't seem to find out if you can buy a bike box in the airport for the flight home.


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