In this deep dive episode, we take a look at the loneliness epidemic. Its origins, causes and some solutions.

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    – [ by Age&text=Here are some loneliness statistics, in a survey by YouGov](,in%20a%20survey%20by%20YouGov).

    Producer: Dagogo Altraide

    Writers: Meehan Kathan, Piriye Altraide, Dagogo Altraide

    Research: Meehan Kathan, Dagogo Altraide

    Editors: Tanzim Uddin, Dagogo Altraide


    1. This topic is not something I'd usually do on ColdFusion, but it's something I have been intrigued by for a long time and an issue that's very important to me. I tried to approach the "solutions" on a broad angle since I am not a psychologist or a psychiatrist, so do speak to a professional if you think you need help with chronic loneliness. But I hope I have been able to shed some light on this crucial topic! Be kind to each other and thanks for watching!

    2. Rented relationships?

      Sounds just like psychology and psychiatry.

      They make a shitload of money.

      I like that rented people stuff without AI – with the catch that they do "sex work" and it's std tested, rubberless and pregnancy risk free.

    3. "depression" is PURELY an age/looks/money/status based problem.
      The chemistry is a response to environment.
      Trying to drug people stupid made psychiatry rich and everyone else sick and poor.

      Opiate of the masses…

    4. Our new world has become bigger in wealth but has bigger mistrust than ever. We need to address mistrust more, we need to see mistrust comes from ecprriences, we want lonliness because we do not want to be hurt. Trust has to be reinvented, it is not easy, both goverments and non goverments can help foster trust, we need to learn to give more than we take. Change the status quo.

    5. Hmm, you did a bunch of research but missed the real and obvious answer to the cause of loneliness. It's not just you because most of armchair philosophers are doing it.

      Trauma, individualistic trauma is the cause and it crosses all generations. I get why you didn't want to go there because who does? It would have meant you going down that rabbit hole of self-reflection and acknowledging your own trauma and how it made you who you are today.

      We avoid other people because of hurt and unresolved damage THEY did to us.

      Maybe refine your next video on this topic to only focus on how repeated personal traumas shape us into becoming what you call lonely (as if it's our fault) and instead call out all the pieces of shit who regularly destroy us from the time we enter school.

      We aren't lonely. We are staying safe.

    6. I personally prefer time alone, though I have a lot of friends. My job is fairly social, so I need time to re-charge. Plus creative activities mostly pursued alone provide me with sufficient energy to keep me from feeling lonely. I do feel bad for people suffering from involuntary loneliness.

    7. I think from what I've observed atleast is people are less willing to make relationships that involve suffering. especially when you look at women less likely to tolerate what our mums and grandmas tolerated

    8. In islam, being thankfull to Allah for what he has given us, is blessed with more happiness.

      And I have heard from many, if Allah is all powerfull and creating us even universe is nothing to him. why he asks us to be thankful for his givings again again.

      This video shows me why. This is not for Allah the all powerfull and merciful but this is for us, who gets lonely and distracted from path too soon.

      Thanks togogo.

    9. Im going to be 61 soon and have never been alone thanks to me caring for family members basically all of my life. My sister says she is moving out but so far hasnt. I look forward so much to being alone eventually. I have so much i want to get done. So i may be in the minority in these comments.

    10. Man amazing breakdown…I c so many people that aren’t well n I am dying to help n some way but u havre to tip toe w/ meeting ppl now more than ever…Such a great point about needing to get back to the community embrace. Great video bud.
      Keep ur head up boys n girls. Prayer 🙏 is incredibly powerful—It WILL open doors / opportunities. Ask n you shall receive.
      Love you all…May God Bless You n Shine His face upon you :))

    11. Kids played outside everyday, now they are on their phone at home. Public places are no longer safe, people are going crazy and crime is on the rise. People will purposely become lonely but trust with others fades and everyone will retreat to safety.

    12. 3 minutes in and I’ve found out I’m not lonely. I don’t desire any meaningful social interaction outside my immediate family and I enjoy frequent solitude.

    13. Thank you for covering this topic, it's something I've always struggled to bring context too in discussions with friends. By the time we cover all the sources and consequences people have usually lost interest. I've been isolated from almost all social contact for long periods of my life, it's a hard thing to endure. I hope this video inspires people to pay more attention to how their co-workers and family are, their neighbors or just a passing stranger who's looking like they're having a hard time. We're all capable of helping be the solution to this terrible disease spreading across society.

    14. Divide and conquer. Can't control such huge masses otherwise.

      Abandon your individualism and be part of a community. That's where your strength is.

    15. This is a great video Dagogo. I can see what your getting at in this video and to me it's obvious that you know what the causes of these problems are but it's not politically correct to say them out loud. You seem line a great strong young man who wishes harm upon no-one and genuinely wants the best for humanity. Proud that you are Australian.😊

    16. I'll share one of my favorite poems.

      2:36 am

      "2 am is for the poets who
      can’t sleep because their
      minds are alive with words
      for someone who’s not there

      For the alcoholics drinking
      themselves into amnesia to
      forget some who left

      2am is not for the lovers
      asleep in each other’s arms
      It is for the lonely. the ones
      who are in love with the
      loved but are not loved in

      ― L.S

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