Przehyba is probably only Polish road climb with Alpine like elevation of 780 metres. It starts near church in Gołkowice Górne. First 2 km slope is barely 1 – 2%. Every next section is steeper and steeper, until domination of 11%. Purple line on the profile attached to this video is related to the right side numbers of diagram. It’s not easy to find exact values this way, but small square steps are 1% difference, and for example growing section around 40.5km distance of this profile excerpt is 8 – 12%. Max peak at the 42km is 14%.
    I’m aware watching complete climb recorded by slow rider will be boring, especially with normal speed, but I decided to drop it complete, divided into few shorter videos for all those absolutely willing to analyse it’s every section.
    You’re all welcome to cycle in Poland. Here in hihglands it’s not difficult to find room for around 40 Złoty ( 10 Euros ) per night. All shops are open all day long. Smaller ones on Sundays as well, so you have no problems to fill your bottles during heat.

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