This full-length documentary offers a comprehensive and engaging exploration of the social class systems in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

    It delves into the intricate layers of class stratification, offering insights into the historical and contemporary aspects that shape these systems.


    The “Old Money” Families Who Built New York (Documentary):


    The “Old Money” Family Who Rules Britain: Princess Diana and The Windsors (Documentary):



    0:00 “Old Money” To No Money: The American Social Class System, Explained
    19:06 Royalty To No Money: The British Social Class System Explained
    45:28 The 7 Stages of “Old Money”: Generational Wealth, Explained


    The first section of the documentary, “Old Money” To No Money: The American Social Class System, Explained, provides a detailed analysis of the American class system.

    It uncovers the nuances of the “old money” phenomenon in the U.S., where generational wealth has played a significant role in shaping social status and opportunities.

    This segment offers a unique perspective on how wealth accumulation over generations has impacted American society, culture, and politics.

    In contrast, Royalty To No Money: The British Social Class System Explained, examines the UK’s more traditional and historical approach to social classes.

    Here, the documentary explores the long-standing influence of the monarchy and aristocracy in Britain. It delves into how birthright, titles, and ancestral lineage continue to play a pivotal role in determining one’s social standing in contemporary British society.

    The documentary then seamlessly transitions to The 7 Stages of “Old Money”: Generational Wealth, Explained.

    This part offers an in-depth look at the concept of “old money,” particularly focusing on the different stages through which generational wealth is accumulated, maintained, and sometimes lost.

    It provides a fascinating insight into the lifestyles, values, and challenges faced by those who are born into families with longstanding wealth.

    This documentary is more than just an educational experience; it’s a thought-provoking journey through the history and evolution of social stratification in two of the world’s most influential countries.

    It challenges viewers to reflect on their own place within these systems and consider the broader implications of class on society as a whole.

    This documentary is ideal for anyone interested in sociology, history, or cultural studies. Whether you’re a student, educator, or just someone curious about the intricacies of social class, this documentary provides an accessible and captivating exploration of a topic that influences many aspects of our lives.


    1. I think Tesla should do that or Elon musk like Oprah every handicap person that can drive with hand controls gets a Tesla and you get a Tesla and you get a Tesla and you get a Tesla that might be a start to redeem his ignorance trying to become Iron Man and go to the freaking moon and mars

    2. Minute 57 damn and you just got a wonder what would’ve happened if Jed Clampett didn’t shoot some food good old Barnaby Jones buddy Ebsen good old granny drove that bank insane specially his wife it’s just bubbling up everywhere but where the polluters

    3. So in contrast to the anniversary tomorrow of Kennedy and who wanted to try to start a war whatever and wanted to get something accomplished you might’ve wanted to take Alaska back and how Roswell happened just a little bit before and then Barney an Betty Hill revise the verse there nine months later who knows what happened that baby supposedly and then the earthquake right about the time that baby was born or whatever and all the way down from Alaska to Seattle and then the worlds fair and 62 and Elvis and then Century 21 And the lazy Arium science center and the space needle with Austin Powers launching the space needle snagging to hot air balloons and crash landing in the Volvo stadium but now what they call lumen field how luminescent that would look like right next to the topless stadium do you wanna shake now or shag later we can go onto the stories until the cows come home but I’m ready

    4. So Spot On…a brilliant and peppy portrait that affords access to the enduring commodity and complexity that is the knowledge of modern civilization . I could not ignore placing your template atop such dynasties like the Sackler family and some of the early Transportation and Chemical /Science families here in America like Dow, Johnson & Johnson, Colgate, and Corning as well as those at the top tiers of Rail and Air both commercial and public.
      Would to hear the conversation broadened to include the vital importance of the sectors of Advance Legions who were essentially slaves. Included would be the Rail workers and the Southern crop workers, primarily tobacco and alcohol associated.
      Thank you for the excellent contribution you are making.

    5. No matter how many changes there are in society, a social class pecking order will always be created. From social class system of King's and Queens, to day's class system of the rich and powerful, its all the same. No matter how many wars are fought, no matter how much the lower classes struggles or how much money the higher classes spend a social class system of pecking order will always remain. That's just human nature.

    6. Yes, we’re “MONEY” oriented we are a democratic and capitalist country, but………….we don’t get overtaxed to support a horse face royalty that has more money than GOD, but I remember your upper crust men looking for wealthy American women to marry so as to boost their income, during the turn of the century. They had “titles” no cash. And the worst thing we ever 😢did was to feel sorry for the paupers on the May Flower , starving, poor, sickly, and couldn’t practice their strange religion on their homeland so……………we Native Americans got “ROYALLY SCREWED” you took our ancestral lands , you are nothing without our back up we’ve made you into a lap dog, hope y’all like eating shit? Cause those pedophiles, coveting, perverted, cheating, lying, plums you have for royalty will fall. Charlie boy, tampon obsessed, fastidious, weird, ugly King, will not rule long watch and see and while on it YOU ARE NOT GOD CHOSEN!

    7. i think we need to add the farmers that grow the food (plant and animal) the health care professions. ( doctors nurses and hygeine aids.

      lots of dirty joba that mike rowe talks about. he is college educated. i think he is narrator of various hands on shows like deadliest catch.and other discovery channel shows. the dirty jobs mike rowe is narrator and participant with a film crew.

      the americas north centrial and south. are new world. ther were indegious people called indians. they were killed off by the explorets and diseases. then the working class force was built up with negro slave from africa. there were indentures or slaves of all skin color. unskilled labors.

      the americas call the colonization since 1492 (columbus) the united states of america declared independence in 1776.

      on the point of irsh immagrants the keenedy family has its roots in ireland. the potato famiime senr many imigrants to america to cities and suburban are to find work ancd a better life. italians poles ukraiian germanvs dutch british folks and others to americas. some to the united states and the british common wealth canada.

      there is a lot of things that form were we are in the world.

      people of newer money has some challlenes. bill gates was divorced by his wife for his sexual asociation with jeffery epstein and miss maxwell.
      donald trump had ebstein as a closs friend. the duke of york was associated with epstein and maxwell. randy andy was stripped of all his royal duties by queen elizabeth 2 before her death.
      it is speculated bill gates and other wealthy have tons of real estate holdings.

      jeff bezoes was divorced from his first wife mckensie and is planning a elaborate wedding with his new life partner. any changes with moral fiber.

      as is said there are skelton in the closet.
      j paul geety had some with his family. it is very complex and mental issues affect use daily now with the daily mass shooting and homeless and politics of illegal immigrants across the world . drug abuse. the haves vs the have nots.illegal drugs. …

    8. i like to think of it as the people who do the dirty work and reap the rewsrds of thier labors. then there are the managers. they direct the work of the laboters. then there are the folks with thee ideas fot the workers to build and the political government to rule guide and tax and raise funds for govermenmt projects that spend tax revenues to pay for project that require worlers ro do the work that needs to be mannaged.

      maybe leadears with the ideas and money the supervisors and the doers to make it happen. and then there ate those who do not fit in (the homeless individuals and families. drug and mentally or physical challenged people.

      then there are the crimial aspect and those who cnhose not to work and look for hand out.

      my thoughts are there are those who are challenged and net a helping hand and some who just wants a hand out.

      i will help a nerson in need like a person going through the discards for some morsels of food by buying the a meal. yet will with hold money to a beggar.

      and i will give money to a street performer for playing music in a lark or a street corner they ask fore money and give something back.

      those who refuse to help thems and refuse to accept a possible solution to thier stated problems. go elsewhere for your hand out. i am only willing to give a hand up with a helping hand.

      and i have been around people who try to do the best they can but can not make it on their own. yet they try.

    9. The emphasis on money and familial bloodlines indicates the narrator's background, and his conception of ethics with the Royals and Rockefellers as pargons betrays a blindspot.
      He also glosses over the seamier side of trade, with claim-jumping pi££age, slavery, mercenary racist slaughter and corruption airbrushed offshore, like the obscene accumulated wealth of these insulated and inbred 'pi££ar$ of soci€ty' in the ocean of squalor they bequeath in their wakes. The brief mention of Irish 19th century famine sweeps a lot under the Axminster.
      Edifying just the same.

    10. Fascinatingly ironic. While the well-heeled patrons pay the ultimate premium price for court-side floor seats, the cheap seats in the high-rafftered nose bleed section of the stadium are reserved for the peasants. The rigid dichotomy between wealth and poverty is truly humanly idiotic.

    11. Meritocracy leads to aristodracy. The children of 'self-mmade" rich are sent to the best schools for networking into power (Ivy leahue). They enter the same careers/industries where their parents have power and connections. Over time the same people – a small group – come to control all wealth, property and industries. Society becomes an inheritance social system.

    12. My aunt used to run the parties for the intellectual, culturtal and media elite of New York City. David Rockefeller tried to get her to r8n his parties. She said no. He was persistent. SHe finally got blunt with him, telling him "David, your friends are boring. I only do parties for interesting people where i can be part of the conversations."

    13. At this point I don’t think you can say the top out of sight are necessarily out of sight. We really gonna say the Astors and the Vanderbilts were secluded and out of sight? Idk I think some of these people are the most well known. Like is Bill Gates in the class with the Kennedys? But I kinda see where they are going.

    14. lolol so many opportunities for Witt !
      Humans, lol particularly British Germanic Humans, have such an anal predisposition to "Organize and Label Everything", and Record it.
      ☀️ Which is how I recognize there's a "noticable by it's absence":

      Records on even Dry Goods Orders back to the 11th Century, but oddly no known records 9r even mention of "What happened to the early original English Males?"
      Current British DNA indicates that there is Less than 2% Original English Male DNA.

      This is overwhelmingly shocking, as it literally indicates that:
      🔺"All Males, Adult, Adolescent, Children, and Infants, were erased at some point in the past. 🔹Academics have not indicated When, Why, or How.
      This struck me as suspicious, as I particularly recall the 1st time I heard this was in an Academic Dicumentary of British Archaeologists speaking to their "Mainstream Academics Paradigm and Linear Timeline" pausing at a point sometime around the "Beaker People" to mention the subject and making an off-hand joke about "Women Preferring Blondes.".
      It wasnt until later, the 2nd time I heard mention of it that I understood the full statement and the %. I began ti search the Internet, but couldnt come up with any info. 2 more times and countkess requests and mentions asking for any Resources one might be aware of, but nothing.

      I returned to the statement and it clearly indicates that Engkish Makes of all ages were either liaded on a boat for Slavery or Mass Extinguished. (They dont shiw up elsewhere , that I can find.) so, dare I say "Ethnic Cleansing" appears to have taken place .
      The Invaders to Britain beginning in the 1st Century were all Germanics: " Romans, Vikings, Anglos, Saxons, Jutes, Normans"
      Whi affected this tragic act? Why? and How?
      The Female DNA carried on with some varieties of Admix, but their Engkish maintained.

      The early English were largely the same as the Irish and Welsh, yet Ireland also had the Danites, earlier Basque lineage as are the Phoenicians aka the Canaanites. The early History of the Irish 8s emerging again and with it I am finding answers to some of the reasons for their 700 + years of varied levels to severe oppression., Once the Germanic gained control of Britain.

      I continue to search for the story behind what happened, they deserve to have their story known.

      BTW, Class is something an individual has, it can neither be purchased nor inherited .

      A Caste System is more reflective of the system like in India and the Old Serf Systems.

      Beth Bartlett
      and Historian
      Tennessee, USA
      (an Irish American of Basque Orgin, lineage of County Kerry, Ireland.)

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