CCTV footage shows two women attempting to hide in the trunk of a car as they were caught in the crossfire between Israeli forces and Hamas during a gunbattle outside the entrance of a kibbutz on Saturday.

    #WSJ #Israel #Hamas


    1. When i saw the comments realy peaple dont want to say the trueth that those who you called them terroristes they didnt want to kill them ,as i know the Israël's soldiers do all the time to civileins in palastine even before the war

    2. Это воины ??? Нет это Грязные черти.свиньи. Поделом им теперь! 🇮🇱👍👍👍Дави Тараканов! Израиль Господь за тебя!

    3. Hamas, like ISIS, committed war crimes with animal cruelty and took captive about 240 prisoners, including about 150 entire families of innocent civilians, including children, the elderly, women, and men, just for the mere fact that they live or stay in Israel.

    4. The ones who evacuated the civilians from the scene of the clash were Hamas soldiers, ironically, while the Israeli occupation soldiers opened fire randomly and then withdrew as if they knew their mission was to kill civilians and escape inside and then justify their barbaric attack on Gaza.

    5. لاَ اِلَهَ اِلاّ اللهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ اللهِ فِي كُلِّ لَمْحَةٍ وَنَفَسٍ عَدَدَ مَا وَسِعَهُ عِلْمُ اللهِ

    6. In international law. It is permissible to defend your occupied territories by armed means. This is what Hamas does and the Palestinians do. They just want their land back, and this is one of their rights.

    7. The hamas guy in the beginning of the clip was clearly seen not wanting to hurt those women and was shooting at Israeli soldiers instead of those women. He even got close to these women but did not shoot at them

    8. The blonde woman is Ayala She was my teacher in middle school. One of the most amazing women I know. She and her daughter survived but her husband Ilan did not💔💔
      The last words between him and Ayala were "You will be fine" and she and her daughter tattooed this sentence

    9. The Palestinians are not terrorists, they are occupiers, and they have the right to recover their homeland and lands from colonialism, just as we Algerians were liberated from French colonialism after a century and 30 years, during which France committed the most heinous crimes against our ancestors, but thank God that the Algerian people liberated themselves and fought France, and France killed more than 2 million Algerians in seven years. For years, imagine with me that if Algeria had not been liberated, we would be bombed now like Gaza, and the world would call us terrorists just because we want to liberate our homeland. The real terrorism is the colonizer. European countries are the cause of wars and destruction because they have always wanted to take and colonize other countries.

    10. Look at the Hamas man who did not assault the woman while she was in front of him. If he had been an Israeli, it would have been another topic. I saw a clip of a woman approaching the site of her demolished house to drag the body of her son. They bombed it. When you search for freedom, they tell you that you are a terrorist because you are Muslim only, and when you defend yourself, you are also a terrorist. But these provisions do not apply to them. These are the mentalities of humanistic democrats. If this is their mentality, then I am a Muslim until I die.

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