Contrary to popular belief it doesn’t really rain often during rush hour in the Netherlands, but when it does we can see the Dutch do wear cycle gear when they have to. All types of gear to protect against the rain can be seen in these images. From umbrellas to capes and full rain suits. The footage was shot within half an hour in the center of Utrecht, the fourth largest city in the Netherlands.


    1. I am so happy I never have to cycle in the rain again, as I now finally own a car. Though, back then I complained a lot. Now I am actually starting to miss it. It just has a certain vibe to it xD

    2. I still remember a few years back, when I was about 12 years old. I drove on my bicycle trough a park. And suddenly I slipped and made a 180. That was seriously painfull, even the ambulance had to come to me (Lucky they could). Though it didn't stop me from using my bicycle again and again for many more years to come in the rain.

    3. I really enjoyed this video I found it therapeutic the mixture of the rain the bikes and the lovely dutch people, all this video was missing was cats🙂😺

    4. at the 4:17 redlight the girl passenger got off the bike then ran to hope on helping out that driver, i never seen that before or thought of it ,, very kind and smart

    5. I would hate to be on one of those types of bikes while doing canyon and mountain cycling. I wouldn't last 5 minutes on those brutal bikes. I love my mountain bike.

    6. Why are there so many women's bikes in this video, even ones being ridden by men? Women's frames are inherently inferior (geometrically weaker) to a standard double-triangle frame, and they don't even have a reason to exist anymore, since even women who still frequently wear dresses/skirts don't tend to wear them while riding a bike (except maybe for e.g., Pentecostal women).

    7. no ebikes, all normal Holland bikes, in Germany most of them Alle ebikes and u barely see bikes in rain, actually zero bikes, i think it is only me XD

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