Our monthly online meetup (and a look at Setúbal) with Fabrizio and Ian our lads in Lisbon, Italian and Brit immigrants respectively AND to preview the new DECEMBER edition of Snapshot magazine, our good friend in the Algarve – Alyson Sheldrake – a renaissance woman who’s co-creator of this delightful publication.

    Find out more about Fab’ and Ian – https://www.projectlisboeta.com

    And Alyson here – https://www.alysonsheldrake.com/

    Get your copy of Snapshot here – https://www.alysonsheldrake.com/news


    All that we do is made possible by our GMP! VIP supporters, Portugal Club members, as well as associates including Expats Portugal (www.expatsportugal.com/?wpam_id=27) and channel sponsors UrHome/Dynasty Homes (www.herdadedomeio.com).

    Get daily news and information about Portugal at www.learnaboutportugal.com

    Support the Good Morning Portugal! show and community by becoming a GMP! VIP or joining the Portugal Club at www.gmpvip.com

    Need to exchange Dollars for Euros? Try https://www.goodmorningportugal.com/support-services/currency-exchange

    Contact Carl Munson – carl@goodmorningportugal.com

    Want to create live shows like mine? Try https://streamyard.com/pal/d/4668289695875072

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