A spectator walks in front of a cyclist nearing the finish line of an event in Spain.
    Read more : http://www.snatched.monster/cyclist-crashes-into-spectator-after-woman-ran-out-into-road-at-finish-line/
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    1. So it's the fault of not enough barriers, and not of a mature woman who is so stupid she'd walk in front of a racing bike. Saying it's her fault might be triggering, I guess.

    2. I do hope the cyclists was ok and awarded the win….

      The stupid woman well you cant treat stupid i hope she arrived at the hospital and they told her common sense isn’t common!

    3. sure hope the money she got paid to sabotage 1st place was worth it.

      This was 100% planned on her part, you can clearly tell as much by the way she waits around until the person in the lead is right there

    4. I also hope the man and his bike are ok, although, I don't think that his bike is ok, considering the huge amount of brainless flesh that rammed them both. This birth giving life form is clearly as smart as a stone! (nope, I'm not a sjw using other names for real women, I just don't consider this life form to be anything worth of a proper mention)

    5. The reason there are gaps in the barriers is so that spectators can get to the side they prefer to spectate, or to change their mind halfway through without having to detour for miles. It's only a problem when spectators don't have common sense to look before they cross.

    6. This wasn't stupidity she deliberately walked in front of him because she was looking at him the whole entire time and she had braced herself for impact. Lack of barriers WTF she deserves full responsibility. She could have killed him .

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