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    1. Whatever goofball producer interrupted Leo mid sentence st the very end of the show STOP IT. The audience can tell when you do that and it is incredibly annoying. Just let them chat for heavens sake. Was the feral goldfish story really THAT important? STOP IT!
      Otherwise good show. 🎉😂
      Great trio!❤

    2. I think it's for the best that Cressida is back living on the boat. Cressida "Comedian Who Lives On A Boat" Wetton has more of a ring to it than Cressida "Comedian Who Doesn't Live On A Boat" Wetton.

    3. News headlines about least this time they admitted that the attacker had 'mental health issues'. Being on a security watch list and having 'mental health issues' would suggest that he should have either been deported or been detained for his own good and the good of others.

    4. Leo Kearse, 'Margaret Thatcher brought economic growth to the UK??' What fantasy island does he live on? Her reliance on the banks and financial sector really did a power of good to the UK economy when they make a balls up of it and it had to be bailed out, and closing industries made large swathes of the UK areas of economic deprivation.
      How's your good friend Beelzebub doing?

    5. we closed our mines because it was cheaper to buy from poland , poland closed its mines because it was cheaper to buy from russia , now we have to buy it from india (whos buying it from russia) mexico , china and america…so we are now paying 400x what it cost to get it out of our own ground

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