Bonjour à tous,

    Welcome to this new trip report where I will show what’s like to travel onboard the Train Bleu, one of the most scenic night train in France… and also, I have a very special relationship with this train… it’s great to be back onboard again!

    Enjoy, and don’t forget to like/leave a comment to help the channel 🙂

    Date: SEPTEMBER 2023
    Railway company: SNCF
    Route : Paris Austerlitz to Nice Ville
    Time : Over 12 hours (depends on the day of traveling)
    Price : From 59€ in first class

    LINK TO THE NEW CHANNEL : Minitrak by Simply Railway

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    00:00: Intro
    00:30 : Paris-Austerlitz
    01:13 : A relationship with this train
    01:44 : Okay, but why Train Bleu?
    03:08 : The rebirth
    03:22 : The Train Bleu in 2023
    04:04 : First class review
    05:22 : Corail 3.0
    06:11: Our engine
    06:26 : Our ride today
    06:48 : Broken switch
    07:11 : Nighty Night
    07:27 : Woke up and still late
    07:50 : Food onboard
    08:35 : Cabride
    09:53 : Walkthrough
    10:44 : Toilets Time
    11:13 : First time in my life
    12:02 : Esterel on a grey weather
    12:40 : Anthéor Viaduct
    13:32 : Fenster Auf
    13:50 : Cannes
    14:09 : Arrival in Nice and thoughts
    15:00 : First VO trip report
    16:05 : Outro


    1. Hi folks, I hope you liked this style of video, this was quite a surprise, I chose to not tease about this voice-over video to see your reaction.
      I will edit some video like this in the future, listen to your feedback and see if it's better to continue this way or keeping the good old subtitles 🙂

    2. Do you know anything about those stainless steel cars in the last scene? They look very much like Budd-built streamlined cars built in the USA from the 30's to the 50's.

    3. I would ride this train if I could book a private rooom and if the train offered decent food and bar service. I will not share a room with 3 other passengers or pay an outrageous fare to have the room to myself, so I'll passs on this one. Good video. Thanks for sharing.

    4. If you're going to provide VO commentary, I'd suggest you slow down the pace of your read so you can focus on enunciation. I'm happy to indulge the VO as long as you provide subtitles….but the ones you use here are set in very small type.

    5. Absolutely love the new format! I'd say you can improve by using a better mic and work on your delivery so that the story you tell is more engaging.

    6. I took the train Paris simplon orient express to Milan early august 1946 to visit my grand mother whom was living in the mountains near Bergamo. I was 9 years old. I travelled in one few first international trains leaving Paris shorty after the reopening of France, Switzerland and Italy borders. It was travelling with a man I did not know never met before the Montparnasse railway station that evening and never heard of since. He had been recommended to my parents by my god mother. We had second class tickets the cheapest fare in that train Europe at that time has 3 classes plus of course sleeping car when available The compartment had 6 wide comfortable seats but we were seven assigned to it. The compartment door was not sliding door but had hinges and opened widely into the hallway. Our car was the last. There was a folding seat at the back facing the track and I spent the whole fascinated by the track and signal light. France and Switzerland were enjoyable but things deteriorated after Domodossola the Italy border. The train became a local train stopping at every station to be invaded by a horde of people with huge suitcase cardboard boxes and baskets with live chicken head sticking out. Pandemonium I have never seen since. By that time I had retreated back to the compartment were I stayed until Milan central. We changed train for Bergamo. The new train consisted of cattle cars (chevaux 8, hommes 40) with only a third class coach baptised First class by stickers in the windows. my companion complained to the controller who answered we lost the war. The cattle car with straw on the floor were second class, the bare wood board were third class. I was hoisted (no ladder) into the cattle car were I slept on the straw for the entire trip. I remember rhe whole trip like it was yesterday.

    7. I like the voice over style. I feel that it makes the video more immersive. Well done on the story. Really enjoyed this and I know what I am doing on the next trip to France!

    8. I prefer the ambient sounds of the station and train experiences in your typical videos if I am being honest. Don't want to be negative it's just one of the main things that makes your channel different, aside from your particular dedication to European sleeper trains which I also appreciate

    9. What a lovely dedication to a train that has meant so much to you over the course of your life! This video is excellently well done – I really enjoyed learning more about the history.

      Regarding the voice over, it was unexpected, but given the context it makes sense for this video. It's so much easier to hear the passion in your voice when speaking versus just text! I personally have a soft spot for your more "typical" videos, but I can understand that this was a nice way to shake things up and get a little bit more creative about something that is so important to you.

      I hope to visit France in the next few years, and I'm considering taking a train from Paris to Nice. Now I'll know which one to ride!

    10. Thanks for another very interesting video. I like the new style of it with talking instead of reading texts. My longest journeys by night trains where from Berlin 🇩🇪 to Kaliningrad / Königsberg 🇷🇺 and one week later returning back in 2007 and in March this year inside Italy 🇮🇹 from Milan / Milano / Mailand to Patti/San Piero Patti on the island of Sicily, including setting over by the last remaing trajectory for passenger trains in Europe, and five days later back. I've also travelled a few times with several night trains within
      Germany 🇩🇪 in the 2000s and 10s, before the Deutsche Bahn suspended its night trains and the Österreichische Bundesbahnen took over in 2016.

    11. Its OK to take a seat for 19 Euros, no way i am going to stay in a 6 persons couchette. Bad product the sleeper accommodation and you can see how it can be done ( Nightjet,OBB)

    12. SNCF FAILS again… This is a service most suitable to a low-cost Flixtrain, even after refurbishment. SNCF hates dining cars and bars/cafe service, while other places embrace them and bring them back. Time to learn from Amrak and Nighjet.

      Great video and merci for sharing. but France deserves better on non-TGV services. VIVE LE FRANCE!!

    13. Loved the video and truly enjoyed your voice over commentary and your French accent. Just a little feedback. Like most native French speakers you speak very fast, even when speaking a language that isn’t natural to you. Just slow it down a little, and we will hear you more clearly.

    14. Great video! And I really like the voiceover much more than subtitles, because now you don't miss half of the video while reading the text at the bottom:)

    15. Last summer, I helped a friend book Paris-Toulouse on overnight. It is possible to book a 2 person room to yourself and it wasn't that mucy more epensive, but the number of rooms available for this is limited and you have to try over a number of days to find one becoming available.
      SNCF had no chocie but to re-inroduce sleeping cars oetherwise ÖBB Nightjet would have invated France with these services and SNCF saw how popular they were. (and thsi is why they are hurrying to rejuvenate CORAIL cars instead of ordering new sleeping cars.

      "transport" overnight trains (as opposed to vacation ones) should arrive early in destination to make it a good alternaative to flying. Arriving at 11:00 in morning is late.
      Between Montréal and Toronto (Canada) we used to have the Cavalier which left at 23:30 and arrived about 07:30 at destination which was perfect for early start of business with breakfast meeting and beat what the plane could do. During its hetdays, it had both a bar car as well as a café car (but at the end, only sleeping and coach cars).
      When it ran, the Amtrak Montréaler left Montréal at about 17:30, arrived New York Penn at 07:30 and Washington about 3 hours later. It had restaurant car (all one "heritage" equipment back in early 1990s). It was a very relaxing ride where you could meet interestig people in the dining car.

      I agree with you about need to serve some breakfast. Interestingly for my friend, he had access to a shower facility at the Toulouse train station (well hidden and not yet open when train arrived). This was a nice touch, but would be getter if train had showers.

    16. On your commentary: While yoru typical style is great, this one did deserve commentary because you put so much context and history into it. (as well as why this particular trip is so important to you).

    17. What an amazing looking trip! Thanks for another great video, Le Train Bleu has been on my list for a long time. It's good to hear you! I think a combination of some voice videos and some subtitles would be good, I like each type for different reasons. The subtitled ones let viewers hear all of the sounds of the trip, but the ones where you speak let us hear your love for the trains. Keep up the great work, no matter which format it's in! 🙂

    18. Nice one Thibault, very nice also to hear from your childhood experiences of learning to love trains, I think sncf have a lot of catching up to do regarding overnight train travel compared with other companies

    19. Bravo Thibault, ce format avec voice over est beaucoup plus sympathique et on a plus l’impression de faire les trajets avec vous. Merci pour toutes les nouvelles informations communiquées. And the French accent is charming. Arnaud

    20. Ooo lovely, I was on vacation 2 years ago in St Raphael, more precisely in Boulouris, just next to railway tracks! And yes, boulangerie near the station is fabolous! Greetz from Croatia!

    21. Very nice video Thibault!
      Very insightful, and I love the scenery around Saint Raphael. I totally agree that the refurbishment of SNCF night trains is a huge improvement over an actually unacceptable service (super old, no plugs, etc.) before. That was necessary but the service onboard is still lacking modern standards and is not client-oriented at all. As you mentioned, no breakfast included in first class, and the small corner where you can buy something is ridiculous. Come on SNCF, there is money to make here and provide a nice service to awakening passengers craving for a good croissant and coffee after the night! I am not sure if it’s still the case, but at some point they only accepted cash 🤣 I am talking about 2022, not 1980.
      As you mentioned too, the 6 sleepers compartments are very outdated compared to what clients expect nowadays.
      And I laughed when you said « Americans we owe you something. High speed trains maybe? » 😆 (well at least the service onboard the slow Amtrak trains is top-notch, and SNCF could learn from it)

    22. Sorry to say I found some of the voice-over quite incomprehensible, and the subtitles were way below the usual high standard. Voice-over is okay if the subtitles provide a good backup but they didn't on this video. I've always enjoyed this channel but this, to me, seems to be a failed experiment.

    23. With a train that is so special to you, it makes sense to do this video with commentary. It is obvious how passionate you are about it, and as train-nerds we of course love hearing these details!

      Videos with and without commentary have slightly different vibes to them (both good; one is more chill and the other more actively informatic), is it plausible to do a mix? Videos with commentary for specialised subjects such as this where you have deep knowledge and can go in depth, with subtitled videos for thr videos exploring new routes/trains for example?

      In regards to the train; It's good to see more of this continued investment into overnight trains. Also, the views looked lovely 😍 Seeing the vivid blue sea from the train in the morning must be wonderful.

      I agree too, it is crazy to see a First Class ticket still in a 4-bed compartment, without breakfast!? Come on!!

      Those classic blue carriages were gorgeous, and I now realise, these are likely the refurbished beautifullll carriages now used for the luxury Simplon Orient Express 🥰

    24. Hi great video, love your personal experience. In my opinion you could do some videos with subtitles and some with voice over. Have you in plan to travel with treno turistici italiani, a new luxury company owned by ferrovie dello stato italiane, that uses refurbished old couchette and rolling stocks and offers a luxury night train experience?

    25. Thank you Thibault for this! While I prefer the other style video because it has more of the actual train sounds, etc , your narration is excellent. Maybe you can do videos like this for more in-depth discussions and explanation videos and keep the orginal format for regular ones… Remember, we are riding vicariously through you, LOL!!!

    26. A fascinating and excellent video as always Thibault – thanks very much. It would be good to have a variety of subtitled and narrated videos. As for your English and French accent, you have no need to apologise. You speak very clearly and can easily be understood. This is a journey I’d love to take, but the thought of my partner and I having to share a couchette even in 1st Class puts me off. Come on SNCF, you should provide some private sleeping compartments and you should also have better catering. So many train companies have cut back on catering but it’s a false economy. If you provide good facilities, people will use them and most will be prepared to pay to use them. The SBB in Switzerland is an example of that – we’ve eaten in several SBB restaurant cars over the years and they’re always busy.

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