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    Today exactly 12 years ago. My dad passed away in the hospital since everybody knows my mom in my videos they always asked how come my dad is not in the videos today I decided to visit his graveside and tell you a little bit about my dad.


    1. > A visit to a cemetery or memorial park can be a time of healing, reflection, catharsis, sharing memories, saying prayers, saying goodbye,
      or simply a ritual of remembrance.
      It can be a sad time, a reflective time, a sorrowful time, a painful time, a loving time, even a joyous time. ( Remembering all the great times you shared )

    2. > Cemeteries were once….a popular place to relax, picnic, (yes, share a meal) get together and share memories….near a loved one's grave.
      This is where they passed down, the old family stories of their relatives… with the next generation.

    3. To lose a loved one is painful and never acceptable, but we just have to go on. Am sure your dad is very proud of you and your achievements. You dad is a part of you and will live on with you. God bless you and your sweet mum. Stay safe and healthy.

    4. It's my father's birthday today (November 8th). I was just wriing about him in my journal, as he passed so long ago. And here's your commemorating your Father's passing. What coincidence this is. Thank you for showing this segment. It gives me assurance that he is resting in peace.

    5. What a beautiful deep and meaningful video ❤ all the thimgs you think about i think about but i try not to get to sad about it mike . Ive lost most of my family its heartbreaking 💔 but i get comfort knowimg tjey are watching over me . The same as your father mike is watchimg over you he sees you and of course must be so proud of you ✨️👌 🫶

    6. My dad passed in 2018, I understand what you are feeling, not a day goes by that don’t think about him, what I would give to have 1 more phone call with him, love your videos. Keep doing what you are doing I know your dad is super proud of you. Meeting you in Venice was a major highlight of my life. Thanks.

    7. Schönes Video. Thank you so much for sharing. I also live abroad & away from my parents, away from friends, away from Germany. Lost my mum 2 years ago this week. Visit her grave a couple times a year, every time I am in Hamburg…

    8. Mike, I’m so sorry for your loss. I think telling your Dads story was so courageous. You have to know he is looking down proud of you !!! And especially how you have such a wonderful relationship with your mom. Mom mom passed of emphysema, and she was sick 10 years prior to her death. Death is terrible , and so many people forget about our loved ones. We will always remember them and keep them close . 🥰

    9. I absolutely love this video. Both my parents have passed and are at a German cemetery. As a child I lived across the cemetery and I played there and looked at the names. It was very peaceful. I still love to visit these places now and read the names and wonder what their lives was all about. Thank you for sharing about your Dad, I know he is proud of you. My parents were pretty supportive when I went to the USA and became a teacher. They never finished school because of the war.

    10. Very gud video i lost my dad at 24 and lost my mam at 38 im 52 now and lost my best friend at 23 but i keep goin these feelings of loss never leave you but we have to keep goin life is a mystery we are here and keep goin i go to work every day but the loss of loved ones never leaves me

    11. I want to chill on venice beach to just relax been to much pain and i know people dont know my feelins or who i am so just have love for the other human who is sharein this world with you

    12. I dont any one has to fear about dyein really i just think you come back to this earth again i think we have done it many times before we could come back any where in the world as any one man or woman never fear death we are all on this path the soul has to keep havein challanges to we get to the top never stop x

    13. We never die never worry about dyein its freedom were trappted in our bodies feelin all the pain and worry when we stop are lifes path its over never be scared millions have gone before us we come back

    14. All of my family died by the time I was 30. It has been 30 years. You never get over a loss you just learn to live with it. I still have times I break down in tears especially at the holidays. The Bible says we are given a certain number of days to be on this earth. Treasure every one.

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