1. I prefer my children when they sleeping what a disgusting women those two kids need to go live with their father Andrea is a disgusting mother 😮living for a man and your kids come off second best

    2. The WAG family. I can’t believe she doesn’t see what’s going on with the 7yr old boy. He’s been ripped away from his Dad and the only life he knew, as she did say they were both with partners when they found each other again, so no attention and life changed & now shoved out the way at 7pm is where the behaviour is coming from. It’s heartbreaking to watch him . They must feel unwanted. I get the alone time bit but it’s too much like the two older kids are a second thought. They desperately need to bond as a family and individually.

    3. The husband is as bad as the wife. "Well I tried spending time with Jake once and he didn't have much to say".
      Ignorant prick.
      No, you walked in with an attitude of "only doing this because I have to, so I can say that I tried ", IF he even did it at all.
      Kids feel vibes right away. Had nothing to say because there was no genuine interest, just awkward playacting.
      Mom? Just happy to have found a man who would throw anyone aside to feed her bottomless ego appetite.

    4. I feel so sorry for the excluded kids . It happened to me when my mum remarried and had a baby , I ended up with an eating disorder . She said I was just dramatic and couldn’t cope with my illness so sent me to live with my grandparents !

    5. Darren got absolutely destroyed at the end 😂 that’s what you get for being a stay at home dad, seriously these white Brits take that equality crap to a whole other level, if my man told me he was going to stay at home all day I could never look at him seriously 😂 feel sorry for British women

    6. Andrea is a bad mother I'm sorry but there is no way in hell I'm locking my children in their rooms everyday so me and my husband can be alone I have 3 babies and can honestly say don't remember last time me and my husband had time together but we make sure we let each other know we love one another it's just the babies come first period I would never choose sex over my babies

    7. Andrea seems vile and deeply insecure. Did she say 4 husbands??? In a few years???? Shocking behaviour and to put the pure negligence of her other children. Sad. I hope they grew up ok, despite circumstances.

    8. The mother who puts her husband before her first set of children is disgusting, all she wants to do is spend time with her husband and baby she has with him😡😡😡

    9. This video is old, but these days these so called mothers, put
      their partners before their children, it is nothing new. It’s very sad!!!

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