Former Sheffield United captain, Billy Sharp, talks about THAT Wrexham FA Cup game and his beef with the Wrexham players and fans… 😬

    He also reveals what happened in the tunnel afterwards…

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    Season 9 #Ep5

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    1. I don't think Parky was angry they'd been defeated by Sheffield United, just that the reaction lacked perspective given the difference between the positions of the sides, which is what many felt. Easy for fans like me to say from their armchairs though and good on him speaking about it like this. Big compliment to Wrexham that he got so riled though

    2. While I appreciate him speaking about it I also see it as it is …that day was a great football game with tons on the table to be fought ….we all know that. Now if you wanna act like an ass and do what you do ….do not expect anything less than what you got from the Wrexham crew

    3. I don't care what these idiots in the comments think, everyone makes mistakes. Billy has a place in my heart for two reasons. No1 his That's For You Son celebration (only time a footballer has made me cry, and No2 I'm a Forest fan and he was someone I wished we could have kept longer.

    4. Not changing mind on this guy. Ugh. He's spending whole lotta time doing cleanup now he's living in LA, playing for lafc & chasing American dollars. End of career mop up. Nope.

    5. Listening to him , half of it sounds a load of bo**ocks that he says. Making it up as he goes along painting a different picture to what others have said.

    6. Ha ha 😂 I remember thinking at the time what a rattled tool but it's just funny now. Tozer would use his long throw and chucked him in the family stand if he got hold of him.

    7. Don't think Billy has seen the documentary because the footage doesn't back up his post hoc rationalization. He wasn't just calmly waving at his family. He was out of control raging at Wrexham fans. Phil is on video, for all to see, calmly telling Billy that there's no need to mock fans of a club 3 leagues below you. Good advice that Billy should have taken. Billy is likewise on camera acknowledging that he was indeed dunking on fans.

      The other problem is that Billy has never acknowledged a misunderstanding about the Sonny celebration picture (taken months before). Wish Billy well, but better to acknowledge the misunderstanding and apologize. He owes his team an apology, too. He did Sheffield United a disservice by taking the focus off the team achievement and putting it onto his own tomfoolery.

    8. Cmon Billy, those who were there know there were no coins thrown , you were in the centre of the pitch directing your banter at us from the moment you walked over. Always thought you were a decent player, but don't make stuff up to justify something.

    9. He’s had a few months to get his story straight.
      What a load of crap, he purposely goaded Wrexham fans & had something in his head about Wrexham & the documentary. Now pretending he’s the victim and innocently waving to his family then getting abused by Wrexham fans. In reality went miles out of his way to give people stick.

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