I leave the hostel to go to the supermarket. Talk about missing the German breads. Stretching. Then I make it to the ferry port. On the boat I have some schnitzel with French Fries. In Denmark I got welcomed by a nice downpour after which I make it to the southernmost point of Denmark. After that I drive north and try the DJI active track mode and it worked out great. Also talk about Shelter where you can stand for free. Danish language is hard. In the evening something worse happens.. I hit a parked car and broke my panniers hook and my brand new earbuds. Tomorrow I’m gonna try to fix it!

    Thanks so much for watching!

    Please like and subscribe if you haven’t already for more adventures! 😀

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    Opti – David Cutter Music
    Setting 1 – David Cutter Music #TravelingTice #Denmark


    1. Yes, you made it to Denmark man. Cool video and awesome with the Dji following mode. Glad you are ok after all. Keep up and take care.  Raymond, Norway.

    2. Glad you're OK and sure hope you can get the pannier clip fixed. Man, I think you need to buy earphones by the dozen!!! Enjoying your trip on this end. Stay safe and upright.

    3. Het zijn leuke video’s en zeker de drone beelden zijn mooi. Gelukkig viel het mee met jou en de auto. Er zal nog wel eens wat gebeuren maar blijf idd positief denken! Je bent voorlopig al ruim een maand on the road.

    4. Glad you didn't pick up an injury. You can find a solution for damaged bike parts, but it would have been terrible it it had been even a small injury to your body. Random bad things will happen, just accept there will be a few things like this as part of the journey.

      It's an embarrassing thing to happen but nearly every cyclist has had an incident where they've looked down on an empty path, or looked left/right at a lovely view, only for something to appear in their path.

    5. Don't worry be happy! You are OK, that's the most important thing. And everythng else can be fixed or replaced. Keep on cycling and have fun.

    6. really enjoying the vids, and loving the attitude, but man …… your generation has got to stop looking down and start looking out. :). Keep posting, and stay positive and love your honesty, most of us would never admit to the stupid things that we've done.

    7. I hope you are okay the best thing about your problem with your bag, i always carry zip ties, this as having to me quite a lot of times  have a nice journey

    8. Appears that you getting along very well…I really appreciate your videos and their content. I'm hoping you keep with your same type coverage and positive attitude. It's also nice that you share your interactions with your family back home…always nice time know that you have their support. Thanks so much for sharing, looking forward to many more miles. Thank you, and stay safe.

    9. Ah thats bad about your bag Tice but if you get some Super glue and Baking Soda you could glue it, add the Baking Soda to the joint and it sets in seconds hard as concrete. Keep going pal.

    10. Hi Tice, I gave you a little shit the other day about tightening your chin strap. Well last night took my own advice and then somewhat later in the dark, I crashed pretty bad and my head hit the pavement. Only minor injuries, and nothing to the head, but without the helmet, it would have been a concussion. Be safe out there, a loaded bike is more challenging to ride than a recreational bike… Best wishes

    11. Hi Tice. Good to see you are not too down-hearted about your pannier……..it can be sorted out. I'm enjoying your videos which make feel I'm on the trip with you. All the best.

    12. Hey just found your channel great videos! For future reference (just a tip) allways have some zipties with you then you can fix broken panniers and other stuff as well…

    13. op 7 mei vertrek ik om grofweg dezelfde route te fietsen die jij hebt gedaan, bedankt voor al je vlogs ik heb er erg veel aan gehad. een reis van dit kaliber op die leeftijd.. echt respect hoor. petje af

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