Urban cycling enthusiasts, welcome to Mecca. Metropolitan biking? Copenhagen is where it all began. See new travel adventures w/Sonia every Thursday: http://bit.ly/SoniasTravelsYT

    Cruise around with Sonia Gil and check out what may well be the capital of bicycle culture.

    Check out more of my adventures!
    Travel Copenhagen: People Watching in Denmark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfJ5RqOQQQM&list=PL_cf1NqxrDmSRK5eIIA7d9HDl69Ou0p8c
    Travel Copenhagen: 5 Free Things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie-dlCEN09U&list=PL_cf1NqxrDmSRK5eIIA7d9HDl69Ou0p8c
    Travel Tips: How to Pack Your Toiletries: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MtlXXgvwoQ&list=UUqZ2HZqow7l35qrhH-DBo4w
    Travel Tips Video Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjcbCBwZ420&list=UUqZ2HZqow7l35qrhH-DBo4w

    Check out Sonia’s map:

    See some great Copenhagen cycling photos:


    1. You could be a great embassador for cycling in Copenhagen, Sonia. Check out Mikael Colville-Andersen's Cycle Chic and Copenhagenize and watchmore fashionable women biking the streets of Copenhagen

    2. That stopping signal is not the only rule. And in most crossings (including that one I think) you can ride across, but then you have to keep right at all times, so by stopping (with hand signal) and disembarking, you turn yourself into a pedestrian with no keep-right rule, and can cross once to the left, not 3 times to the right. But it only pays if you are not going to cross twice anyway, because then it is 2 times on bike vs. 2 times carrying the bike. Note also the bike traffic light.

    3. I'm from dominican republic and I'm going to live together with my boyfriend and for study! It is hard to get a job, and it's even more if you don't speak danish I think. But everything is possible! = )

    4. im danish and i welcome you to denmark, it's not to bad if you dont talk danish couse we understand english perfect, oh a good tip if you go shopping and wont milk please ask how it looks like couse alot of the danish darry products look the same 🙂 and if you want i can make some vidios where i exsplain things. best of luk

    5. I lived in Copenhagen for a year, and I've travelled America, UAE, Saudi, France, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, Turkey, Norway and Japan and I can honestly say that Copenhagen Denmark is the only place I been on that I've never said "I wanna go back home now". It's not for everyone and it's certainly not one of your average fancy cities like New York, Paris etc., but for those who love peace and relaxation it is just the BEST life and I can't wait go back PERMANENT!

    6. So many people say bad things about Denmark and it makes me a little bit sad. Cuz im happy to live ind Denmark! And i love to see videoes like this, where everyone can see the good things in Denmark :)!

    7. Its a wonderful City to ride a Bike around. I did it in November last year. I was amazed to see a young Woman riding a Bike around holding up an Umbrella in Frederiksberg on a Sunday Afternoon.

    8. -not to mention the prickish 180% import tax on new cars coupled with congested urban areas with under-developed road systems not adequate since invention of the motor vehicles. Most danes I know consider the "capitol" a dirty cesspool with overpriced delapidated real estate. (metrosexual residents of the shithole might disagree). I lived on Amager parish until I came to my senses and moved up to Lapland where we use dogsleds or carts instead of bicycles. I wash my hands of Denmark where you have to pay environmental taxes on energy made by SOLAR POWER, where is the sense in that?  Why these people willingly reduce themselves to being milking cattle for the tax man is beyond my ability to comprehend. It must be a socialist thing. I believe in people paying for their own shit including schools and hospitals. Instead danes have chosen to punish the succesful to support the lazy so everyone is mediocre at best. During my 8 year stay in Denmark I paid more than 70% in taxes including eco taxes (fines for using energy at all). Now I live off the grid producing my own power by solar panels and 2 windmills. My family are reindeer farmers and since I came back home I am clueless why I even bothered to waste time in Denmark. (future tourists: Don't bother looking for the little mermaid. I am sure she's been fileted a long time ago)

    9. Free fun? narh no fun when you have to jump up on you bike at 6 in the morning and going out in the snow and wind.
      But I love my bike and won't change it out for nothing.

    10. Sonia I ´m really enjoying your videos, they are been useful with my kids, just one suggestion to ask you for including the captions so we´ll be able to work in a better way.

    11. Sorry to tell you, but the raising of the hand to stop near the end of your video, is actual done wrong. You should only raise your hand for an unscheduled stop where others can not predict you would stop (no marking in the treet with paint og light) and to let the one BEHIND you know that you are going to stop, so the hand near your chest is no use, it shpuld be raised high in the air. But not many danes knows or do this, they do it wrong. And you do not have to walk with your bike to cross the street only if you cross on a pedestrian crossing, in the wrong direction of the trafik or cross a side walk.
      It is nice you love Denamrk, but please do a bit of research. It is almost like most foreigners doing vlogs/youtube videos have been to school and learn to research fact. Do NOT voice your opinion as a fact, when it is only your misguided opinion.
      If you have to do it, why not do it right …!

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