What a surprise; it’s another Dovetail route with a decent concept but sub-par execution. This is the Maintalbahn, a non-electrified rural line running from Aschaffenburg Hauptbahnhof to Miltenberg. In keeping with a recent traiditon, the DLC only includes ONE train that’s actually new to TSW, in the form of the Deutsche Bahn BR642 diesel multiple unit.

    There are other issues besides the lack of sufficient quantities of new motive power, which are discussed in detail in this video.


    1. This is the same train which runs the Sprinter services in California, the Desiro Classic. There are also some Desiro UK trains in the game but thats another story. I also did a Sprinter repaint and it literally looked like yours but with „SPRINTER“ written on the train and I uploaded it in the Creators Club… I know this train in real life also from germany. Its a kinda realistic variant of the train (just compare it to the TS RSSLO variant) but I would say it can go better, the sound is not really that what I know from real life (a bit like the 146.2 in TSW and Real Life, I also know this one). The interior is very good.

    2. The use is split like this
      2%G6 has more uses
      4%A more realistic railscene at Aschaffenburg HBF
      2%Br 642
      3%Maintalbahn and scenery between Aschaffenburg HBF to Miltenberg
      1%More uses for 612
      1%VR 628 on standart route

      2:45 because they are the same type just modified for use with inferior powering to greenwash not spending infrastructure capital for OHLE

    3. I'm also tired of DTG not including routes the fanbase wants or ANYTHING in the greater Berlin Area, that's a missed oppurtunity if I've ever seen one. I'd also like to have some Narrow-gauge lines in Germany like preferably the HSB (Harzer Schmalspur Bahn) or if that's too complicated the Buckower Kleinbahn (for examples), I'd also be open to having the Wuppertaler Schwebebahn in playable condition, preferably made by TSG or smth.. I'm probably gonna get the Niddertalbahn Add-on soon, I've just been very hesitant when it comes to buying new routes

    4. Regarding the empty hills: As a local, I know that there are serveral vineyards in the southern portion of the route. I guess they forgot them in the typical hurry during the replication of the environment. They seem that they didn't even tried to do the flat distance texture like on the Rheinstrecke.

    5. Agree with every point in this review, it's sad that DTG don't want to fix their business model and that other people have to fix up their messes. Something that I noticed (and hated) was the grass foliage spawning in way to close to your vision, and after looking through other routes, it seems like the Unreal Engine seems to be a but lacklustre…

      This route was extremely hyped up from the developers and it has turned out to nearly be a German recreation from that God awful New York to Trenton route. Sad but true.

    6. Good Essay, and agreed… Maintalbahn is a typical Dooftail minimal viable product… Since the upgrade from TSW 2 to 3… i never ever bought a train or a route full price again… only on sales… period. I bought TSW 4 for 20 Bucks… and 20 Bucks is okay for 2 new Routes… (sarcasm) and some Bug fixes and Qol… (dark sarcasm) Good news Railroader will be relesed on Steam on the 7th of December on Steam… and SimRail is looking good… Derail Valley is great… Zusi 3 is also on Steam, but as a hardcore zerman sim it's not for causal gamers… Cheers…

    7. I had thought about getting this route but seeing the criticisms in the forums and this video made me decide not to get it. It’s clear this route was rushed and its a shame because I think German diesel routes are cool.

      I really need to stop hoping DTG will improve

    8. Solid review. Only way I’d get this route is if it were gifted. And What I dislike about antelope valley is not only are there four two part duplicates for freight, but three of them are at night and that routes night lighting is so poor you can’t see Jack, and once again they leave all these rail served industries completely empty with zero services for them. I feel like dovetail literally thinks trains are all like commuters, and freight magically appears on trains it doesn’t come from anywhere it doesn’t go anywhere it just goes A to B.

    9. I find that the scenery like buildings next to the train track are getting worse every addon. If you look at the houses they look like trainsim classic buildings. I'm sure unreal is capable of better rendering buildings. But yeah if you model shit it renders shit.

    10. Well,well,well… what have we got here? A route that only includes ONE new train with dodgy sounds, an overused shunter, basic if not bad scenery, lazy scenario ideas and reused assets.
      Jesus Christ!
      If DTG keeps up releasing Addons like this, I will not buy these anymore. Done spending money and feeling foolish for doing so. I’m grateful for you advising this community what Addons to buy and what not.
      I feel like developers like TSG or Just Trains should be the official developer for this game. Sure, releases would be infrequent, but at least with them, the wait would be worth it. (Blackpool Branches and Niddertalbahn as an example)

    11. Here's some info gained from watching the pre-release preview stream:
      1: The sounds were recorded on an actual unit. They are authentic.
      2: The route was put together over the summer, with most of the dev team on holiday, "quick and simple route"
      3: The build shown on the preview stream was unfinished, clearly rushed for a set deadline, they admitted it was so.
      4: The timetable won't get fixed

    12. I'm tired of DTG at this point. I want either TSG or Just Trains to make a route in a country we didn't have before. My choice is Nilgiri Mountain Railway: Mettupalayam – Ooty, located in Tamilnadu, India. It will show what the Arosa and Berninaline does should have been like.

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