#germany #wwii America army battle battles Bicycling Bicycling Germany Biking Biking Germany Cycling Cycling Bamberg Germany Cycling Germany Deutschland diary german pow history of war infantry attack memoirs from veterans panzer division reaction red army Second World War soldier stories united states USA veteran war stories world war 2 WW2 ww2 diaries ww2 diary of a german soldier ww2 eastern front ww2 panzer commander ww2 stories from german soldier
"Let there be peace." Not while men allow themselves to be driven by lusts for power. War is BIG business with some profiting greatly while they themselves remain comfortably at home.
Interesting/informative/entertaining. This fella sounds like quite the philosopher.
4th Infantry , interesting
Spelling? Capt: Nukem or Newcome?
BTW, up yours.
I'd watched and commented on nearly all 45 minutes and near the end, it seemed to have given me a half-second or so to save the comments.
I missed; up yours.
Who wrote this?