Viewers Compilation is a collection of stupid people from around the world.
    If you have any clips that you would like to put on the channel please e-mail them to me at

    All the music on this channel is from YouTube Music
    Credits go to.
    Silver Waves – TrackTribe
    Electro Cabello – Kevin MacLeod
    Fractal of Light – Chris Haugen
    After School Jamboree – The Green Orbs
    Bunny Hop – Quincas Moreira
    Feelin Good – Kevin MacLeod
    Happy Mistake – RKVC
    Little Later Than He Expected To – Chris Zabriskie
    and the intro and outro video is from
    Credit go to.
    Mike B
    Roberto Nickson
    Roshan Kamath
    Video by Bhargava Marripati:
    Video by Mike Bird:


    1. To paraphrase a common saying, "its not the make of car that drives badly, its the person behind the wheel". But Audi must be over the moon with the constant free advertising they receive. 🥰

    2. Today car in front of me turned right when it was clearly signposted no right turn and quess what " always an audi" I flashed and honked at him but just got the finger in return.

    3. I hate those illegal scooters. They are only legal in certain cities under pilot schemes, got to say that I do like fast e bikes like the Stealth Electric Bomber though.

    4. No Way. Roger in my area!

      That specific spot with the railway bridge is horrific. Not just pedestrians. But all types of vehicles trying to be clever and doing dangerous manoeuvres!

    5. Many thanks for sharing these viewer’s videos Tony. Some outrageous manoeuvring by some drivers. Defensive driving seems to be the only way you can stay on today’s roads!!! 🤯🤯🤯

    6. The police daren't enforce the law on illegal e-scooters (or on e-bikes/motor scooters etc. breaking the law) because if the little dears fall off and hurt themselves due to their own stupidity or illegal riding, the scrotes friends and relatives are up in arms over perceived 'police misconduct' and riots break out with demands for the copper's heads on a plate. The cops can't even follow at a distance, someone they suspect is breaking the law, in case the little b★gg★rs hurt themselves.

    7. Why didn't Richard just reverse <5m and let the other car get into that space on the left (Richard's right)? Would have solved the issue without any fuss 🤷‍♂

    8. I can confirm that the law in NZ states "no standing, stopping, or parking on Broken Yellow Lines". I recently had a driver tell me "this is Rangiora, nobody cares" and I wonder if that driver cared when he received the infringement in the mail.

    9. What the eckythump was Carlton doing even TRYING to negotiate that roundabout on a bicycle?? It's bad enough trying to do it in a car (and I'm sure you've had plenty experience there yourself), and I've given thanks every time I've got away from it WITHOUT some arsehole having cut me off, switching lanes without signal, chancing the lights and all the other tomfoolery that goes on there. Even if Carlton DOES ride responsibly and considerately, he can be damned sure no other blighter will return the favour!!

    10. Bonjour The same in FRANCE . We live in LE MANS and most of these drivers think they are the kings of the road .When we go to England at my family in law (YORKSHIRE) ,our pleasure is to begin a race (no more 300 meters) with this kind of cars and driver . We are happy owners of a Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk with no apparent logo of this model on the car . It is always very funny .

    11. 4'20" "So, Richard has got the right of way", you say. Doh! No, idiots, of course he doesn't. The white car is already committed to passing the parked cars and it was for 'Richard' to allow the car to come out. What 'Richard' failed to observe, because he's a bad driver, like you are as you are repeating the same bad attitude as him, the white car was waiting for pedestrians to get out of the road.

      Bad attitudes cause accidents. Honestly, the roads would be a better place if you both got a short ban for that attitude towards that white car driver.

    12. Never a copper around whether you need one or not. That’s why the roads are the way they are. Easy to set camera and collect the cash from speeders, but they don’t catch the looneys.

    13. I made a comment on "Mikey's Cycling" channel congratulating him for stopping at red lights while numerous others don't. Many "cyclists" came back with "very few cyclists go through red lights"….. Technically I got my knuckles rapped…….

    14. Ah Tony thanks so much for putting up my videos from Waterford in Ireland. Sorry about the bad language but with so many idiots out there it's difficult not to use it.

    15. Until I upgraded my dashcam, the flipped rear-view used to drive me nuts. Then I got a convertible, and had to do without a rearview altogether, until I got the current Nextbase, with the rearview camera attached to the forward pointing one, and at least giving a rearview mirror view. And no, this is NOT a sponsored comment, I was simply prompted by the bloody flipped rear view on some cheaper cameras. (Apart from that, and the lousy battery for parking mode, it was pretty good). I should add that I do enjoy lane cutters in a turn lane but wanting to go ahead and cut me up, thinking my 18 YO Saab will be slow. Spoiler, it isn't, and I don't care what German car you have, unless you have spent some serious money on yours, you won't beat me.

    16. Same thing in US.
      Audi, Mercedes, BMW, Jags, Range Rover drivers.
      Drive like no one else matters.
      When questioned about how they drive…the usual response is…"I have to drive, a ( perceived), high status car, so I am therefore, more important than the pee ons that don't drive them."

      Arrogant, entitled a- holes.

    17. I think that second one can be given the benefit of the doubt here. The plate of from the Netherlands and may have genuinely not known or understood.

    18. Idiots in cars? yeah Pat is definitely one of those!! Not 1 of those video's would have been an issue for a good driver. Richard from Halifax needs to learn not to just barge through and take priority cos if you just drive based on priority then you're an idiot. You need to assess each situation differently and do what is best for overall traffic flow and get that vehicle out of your way. if they're not backing up, there's likely a reason. If that reason is just that they cannot reverse, seems not the smartest idea to drive up to them and make them reverse cos it'll just slow you up more. If you had just let them come through the moment they were visible, the whole situation would have been resolved a lot quicker but unfortunately Ego got the best of this situation. The Zane clip, is likely because these drivers upset cos they bruised each others fragile little egos and the situation escalated. Exactly the reason Richard from Halifax would do well to stop exacerbating situations for the same reason. Will end up in a collision one day all because you had to protect your ego by blasting foul language at someone. Remember, you can only control yourself and your car. You got no influence on other vehicles. If someone is driving dangerously and trying to get past you, best to let them go and get away from you rather than risk being in a collision with them

    19. I see Pat is in Waterford. Lovely part of the country. I was down that way on my bike over the summer. Wasn't me there on the wrong side of the road in that video lol.

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