Luton Airport: Insurers REFUSE To Payout

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    1. Instead of winding people up why don't you look at a few facts? One car was bought for £20,000 seven years ago and insurers offered £7,000, that could well be the market value.
      On average a 5-year old car will have suffered 60-70% depreciation, an 8-year old car will have lost 80% of its value so let's call it 75%. The car was worth, on average, £5,000 so it looks like they got a fair settlement.

      The 'at fault' comment from insurers is correct, all it means is that at the time of paying out they have nobody else to blame. A no claims bonus is just that, no CLAIM. It's not a no BLAME bonus. If at a later date the enquiry identifies someone as the cause of this Insurers and those insured can pursue subrogation against them, reclaim their outlay and reinstate their NCD.

      I'm all for naming and shaming when there's enough information to do so but all you're doing here is spreading rumours and geeing people up for clicks and likes.

    2. When insuring your car, make sure you have Agreed Value in the policy. I had that on an 8 year old car which was written off in a car accident, and the agreed value was $15K and I got $15K. My Insurance company charged the other guys Insurance company. I did not have to pay anything and even had a loan car whilst my claim went through, and it went through in 7 days. Too many people ring up and get a quote and then agree to the policy but don't understand what they have agreed to and don't read their policy to ensure it meets their needs

    3. They refuse to pay out the innocent owners of vehicles caught in the fire ……but I bet you the price of car AND home insurance will STILL rocket as a result of it ! I also bet you the owners of the car park will be paid out though, and with that in mind I would urge all the owners who suffered a loss to sue the owners of the carpark for total loss regardless of any insurance company actions…..especially if they charged a premium for "secure" airport parking which would mean duty of care was THEIRS.

    4. I started driving back in 1978. There is know difference then to now with insurance companies. Happily take your money until you need help from them. Can still hear my father calling them money grabbing shhhh. His friend spent weeks fighting them because of someone else's stupidity.

    5. Theres a lot of details missing from this article.
      You pay £20K for a vehicle you dont get £20K for it if it gets written off 7 years later, you get its market value at its age/mileage.
      She brought it from her late father? How old was it then? What was the new her father paid? Did she pay above market value for it from her father?

      No one likes insurance companies but everything is way to vague to come to any real conclusion 🤷

    6. Typical behaviour by insurance companies I’m afraid and when you get your next renewal you will find out about the extortionate amount it’s gone up this year I’d guess close to 30% much more in many cases mine went up from £272 to £384 for no apparent reason

    7. I am not on the insurance companies side but if you buy a car for 20k and it gets wrecked seven years later why would you expect to get 20k after all you have had seven years use out of it I think you should get enough to buy a like for like car if 7k will do that all is well in my eyes unless you have a new for old policy like they do on mobile homes.

    8. Usually car parks won't accept any responsibility for cars parked no matter what the reason for loss happens to be. It's a term included in the terms of use. The airport, if it owns the car park will have the usual disclaimer so it will be up to the insurance of the car owners. Anyone with only basic third party cover will receive not nothing. IIt's the way all parking works. If anything is stolen from a car again rhe car park owners aren't responsible even if it's the car being dismantled for parts. Likewise if you use your car ìn a dangerous manner the insurer will refuse to pay. That includes driving on roads closed due to floods.

    9. I think you'll find that most or all car parks have disclaimer notices up at entry points stating tha drivers park at their own risk and car park owners bear no responsibility for vehicles within…..

    10. The car park I assume you had to pay for the use of.
      Therefore the car park owner/operator is liable for the damage as they took payment to store the goods.
      As an aside I read that Zurich customers were informed that their insurance was declared void if their vehicle was involved in this fire.

    11. The most puzzling thing to me is why ANYONE would want to start their trip/holiday etc from Luton fkn airport!!
      Thee most miserable, poorly set-out & expensive airport in the uk, all the staff look & behave as if they’d give anything to be elsewhere.
      I’d never use that airport again!
      Luton airport is owned by a Spanish consortium, go figure.

    12. Insurers are bigger crooks than crooks. I had fire damage by a torched house next door. My house suffered 17k damage. Offered 850 thats insurers. Their dividends more important than claims

    13. What you didn’t say was what people are thinking that the start of the fire was in an EV. The picture of the flames leaping out of an upper storey level confirm this. Liquid fuels {Petrol and Diesel} produce vast amounts of smoke which snuffs the fire out. A fire in Lithiium produces its own oxygen and the hotter the fire gets, the hotter and more vigorous it gets – just as in the video segment. Yet again another reason why Governments pushing EV onto an unsuspecting public is bad policy. However, if Government were to offer indemnity to all EV car owners of say $1Bn then that would help the owners of these dangerous vehicles to sleep better at night, and on their cruise ship and luxury ski resort!

    14. I had a renewal quote from Sheilas Wheels last week, and it had gone up by £90 without claim or change. I rang them up, and literally told them that I thought they were taking the p*ss. Within a minute of checking my details, the quote was changed to exactly the same as last year. You've got to compare quotes and call them out.

    15. Land Rover should pay out. It was a hybrid diesel that went up due to its high voltage battery going off and setting the fuel lines/tank off… Whoever thought a lithium battery pack on a diesel vehicle was a good idea was a muppet.

    16. You don't lose all your no claims bonus, you drop from 5 years down to 3, then if you have another crash thats your fault you drop down to one, so never get protected no claims bonus as you are wasting £30 a year. I went from max to 3 and insurance went up by £50 and i caused £100,000 damage (Seizure behind the wheel)

    17. I think insurance companies are all for themselves and dont even eant to help the customers and will find any excuse not to pay my car insurance for a 1995 car they want over 2 grand a year yet i have managed find car insurance for less than £750 a year which is a big difference

    18. Most insurance companies are underwritten by Lloyds of London. Lloyds "names" are mainly from the ruling elites – that's why if you ask a posh person at a horse race they will say "we are in insurance" This is one way they extract their wealth from the economy without having to do any work. One of the others is by owning banks.

    19. Under UK law you are responsible for insuring your OWN loss in the event of an accident because only you can understand what its worth. Only in the case of demonstrated negligence (which has a very high bar) can insurance be passed off (in whole or part). Its the same if the flat above sprung a water leak – your own insurance will pay you out from your own policy. At fault does not mean its your responsibility, but it means you are accountable. The owner of the car that caught fire, presumably did not act negligently… of course we do not know who was arrested in this case. The car park owner likely also did not act negligently. So yes unfortunately, it may not seem fair but each and every persons motor insurance will pay their own claim under the fire clause and they will be at fault and lose their no claims, although many insurance companies will take the decision to waive the no claims forfeiture.

    20. I’m not sure what people think insurance actually covers? You will only be offered the minimum trade value of your vehicle initially, but most insurers will, when pushed, accept a more realistic value to replace figure, on a like for like basis. You won’t get back what you paid, especially, as in the example you give, 7 years ago!! Why would you? Essentially, you can’t end up better off than you were before the claim – otherwise everyone would just set fire to their cars after a few years and get a new one!! As for personal possessions, these have to be reasonable and only what you might expect to be left in a car; you can’t leave a priceless antique vase in the boot and then expect your car insurer to pay for it if it’s stolen or destroyed! This was a complicated situation liability-wise, compounded by the fact that the site was inaccessible to insurance assessors for some time afterwards, but it’s being sorted out now. A bit of common sense required from vehicle owners wouldn’t go amiss! 🙄

    21. Start by requesting that the insurers agree a value for your car – they can set the premium accordingly — and buy the policy on the terms as agreed.. This is normal for collectors cars or cherished vehicles. Then go and get someone to explain to you the nature of the contract between the insured and the insurers and what privity of contract means. If the insurers have issues beyond the contract it is for the insurers to take them up. They have obligations to the insured as set out in the small print and must meet them within reasonable time. Anything less amounts to breach of contract which is actionable. A storm of adverse publicity can bring earlier results. Off the shelf policies where the insured wants what is cheapest is often the problem. 
      Best use an old fashioned broker if one can be found as he/she will be working in your best interests. Even if their fee is loaded onto the premium they are still acting for you. Better than that pay their fee direct to them and avoid the commission issue and any risk of conflict of interest.

    22. You think car insurance is bad, give it another 20 years and we will all be needing medical insurance, try claiming for that when you are too sick to deal with them.

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