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    1. I feel that hard. I can average about 200-225 Watts (nP) for easy 1-2h. On a 300km tour I rode I managed my first 3h on 100km while drafting, but lost to much energy since the group was way to inconsistend and it was my first 300k (Plus I had a crash at around 220k)
      I manage drafting for an ethernity .. but I suck at solo, which is ironic since I just started training for triathlon where I have to ride solo (Although I am not allowed to draft, at least I am allowed to use aero bars .. xD)

    2. if youre in a team of riders its a hell of a lot easier… wtf….second youve got an aero bike…most of us havent….so youre talking sh!t…..on person cant do this end of…ffs….

    3. The one scary thing of group riding in a performance way or as I call it Pellettoning is being so close to each other. Everyone is so hyper focused on going as fast as possible when you ride that way 99% of your effort is cranking on the pedals as hard as you can, leaving 1% of your efforts to avoid crashing into the bike in front of you. Some adrenaline junkies find this "fun". But every once in a while with all this crit racing and smackdowns I get the message on the chats like a broken record that someone fell and ruined their 10k bike, wound up in ER, got a concussion, broke a bone. These people are obsessed with their heart rate, power numbers and Strava but block themselves from doing so many fun things because "its not in their structured training plan" or "my coach wouldn't approve". Just so they can spin around in circles as fast as humanly possible for an hour. No thanks!

    4. So what happens when everyone is fighting for the front 1/3 of the pack? Do some people just give up? Or what about the corners? what if everyone is fighting for the inside corner? Do these situations create wrecks? Just asking, I never ride crits….

    5. I have a question for more experienced riders, is 25mph top speed good for a 15 year old(on a mountain bike) on flat terrain?
      Ive been riding my bike 4 times a week ever since i got it a year ago, i went out with a group of people most had roadbikes and i was surprised when i passed them all.

    6. I love watching those numbers when bridging to a breakaway. Modern bike tech has gone wild in the last two decades. Wireless shifting, tubeless tires, and all metrics being recorded in real time (with corresponding footage of terrain.). Great video!

    7. Good stuff. Are you cat5 or is that just the name of this particular training program, because those speeds sound more like cat 123?Unless it’s just so flat that it changes the average speed that much. Or it could be that bikes are much more aero than 10+ years ago. I remember averaging around 27 for an official, one or two hill, office park race (this looked more like a group ride on an open course at race pace) when riding 3/4. And that perfectly summed up what you’re saying. Riding with 4/5 sucked because they are so inefficient, especially, ESPECIALLY in the corners, whereas riding in 1, 2, 3 had far fewer unnecessary accelerations and corners were more like a school of fish than the most direct line, which often created chaos. There’s a typical misunderstanding in 4/5 that “hold your line” means YOUR chosen line. It does not mean that, which would mean you’re cutting people off.

    8. Two shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be two. Three shalt thou not count, neither count thou one, excepting that thou then proceed to two.

    9. At 56 years old, I ride solo about 98% of the time. This year, 2023 I have been able to hit average speeds of 22.5 mph on my aluminum bikes, including a Canyon Grail gravel bike along 35 – 40 mile rides.

    10. Great job. Fun, instructional video. It's weird to see guys with flashing lights in this race, but just plain scary to see that the course is apparently open to vehicular traffic…that must cause some Uncle Fester moments.

    11. I wonder how accurate is this power meter. On video u can see sometimes u barely start pedaling and vat shows already around 200 – 300 like its nothing

    12. Took me a few tries, but I finally broke an hour in a 40 k time trial. That's 26 mph. Without drafting. On the Moriarity, NM course. Thing is, the record is around 47 minutes! John Frey held the record for a long time.

    13. Great video. I haven't raced in 13 years, but man this makes me want to get back into it. Without racing, you have no idea how powerful a good slipstream is. The combination of the commentary, video, power, heart rate and speed. Feels like super Mario.

    14. ride in group as well as solo. I prefer solo. it is a t my own pace. however group ring pushing my limits in speed and distance. when I get back to my solo ride on a ride I know. I am faster . I dont carte about power meters. they are for tech idiots along with heart monitor and all the crap.. I ride to enjoy. when you start making it all tech and diagnose your computer afterwards. you really should not be riding . because you dont really understand what its all about. and before you challenge me. I ride all over Europe including the MALLORCA 312. ( possibly the hardest race ever.

    15. From someone who just jumped on a beginner racing bicycle to get a change from running every now and then: This looks insane! You're telling me you're going 35 km/h for extended periods of time and that's bad? I guess everybody is judging themselves pretty hard in their own niche 😀

    16. I remember about 6 years ago I was riding on the Sacramento bike trial and a group of riders rode by me they were going at a good pace. So I just tucked in the back and let them pull me through. Drifting can save you a lot of energy.

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