Second largest city in Germany and as big as New York. But Hamburg is often regarded as a mostly rainy and gloomy city. And yet people love this city more then Berlin but why?

    To be honest it took me 3 visits and some more convincing to really see the city for what it is. I think it is very beautiful especially considering it suffered a lot during the world war 2. And so I wanted to make a video about my appreciation of this city.

    Ps – I like rain 😀 It does rain here and it is gloomy. I was lucky with the weather.

    If you would like to support & donate my silly little videos:

    00:00 Hamburg
    00:15 compact
    01:23 bikes
    02:20 Architecture
    04:40 party street
    05:12 water, bridges
    06:02 nature a& city
    06:26 culture and museums
    08:39 food
    10:20 internationality
    10:52 english
    11:50 conclusions

    instagram for aesthetics: @helloerikapeanut
    tik tok for tiktoks: @helloerikapeanut

    Were Hamburgers invented in Hamburg? No but also yes (kinda).
    They made the foundation (the seasoned meat without buns). And germans living in Amarica added the buns.

    Disclaimer: Sorry if you see misspellings, it happens more often then i notice. Thank you for watching and I hope you enjoyed the video!

    ✨ And see you soon! ✨


    1. I always see just the top landmarks and city centre sights, with the red brick architecture, but Hamburg has many diverse architectures…go to the suburbs like Harvestehude, Eppendorf, Winterhude which is fairly close to the city centre…and around the Außen Alster lake…it has buildings and homes with the most beautiful art niveau architecure..mostly in white paint…just breathtaking especially surrounded by the many canals , willow trees and cherry blossom trees especially in spring…it is like living in a gardener's paradise…I lived there for 2 years and still dreaming of it

    2. "just get a granny bike, more comfortable" not in bad weather and when it´s just windy way more wind resistence when sitting up straight. Also, going 25-27km/h or going 45km/h using less strenght (not nesseccarly a good modern granny bike, about same amount of power needed) makes a huge difference.

    3. This summer i visited Hamburg, loved it, though a local told me "why are u visiting hamburg?" I was shocked as Hamburg is beautiful and one of those cities i would live in.

    4. Really enjoy your content but please dont consider flying for distances that short. AMS-HAM is one transfer with DB and even directly linked with Flixbus

    5. Scooters are definately laying around everywhere in Hamburg. But the biggest flaw in that video is to say that in Hamburg less people would speak english. That's absolutely wrong. My husband is an American and lives here for over 17 years and hasn't yet learned the german language. He get's around easily everywhere with just English. Just saying.

    6. I lived there for over 15 years, and I didn't like it. The city is full of dirty red-broun colors because they are built from old brick left over from the war. There is green mold everywhere on the pavement and you can't get rid of it easily. There is a lot of rain. The landscape is also pretty flat, no hills (at least north of Elbe). For me this city feels very generic, if you want nice architecture, go to Lubeck or Bremen instead. Also if your bike is any good, it will be stolen. It has excellent infrastructure and all, but it had a very generic feel for me.

    7. This was a yt recommended and thank you yt. I liked the vibe, the commentary, the humour, definitely a nice overview of the city. I saw on the channel you are thinking to move to Germany, is this the city you'll choose?

    8. All those construction sites were a main part of the reason why I've visited Hamburg for more then a week this summer. I really like watching big sites even that I work on construction sites myself. 😎

    9. I have been living in Hamburg for almost 2 years. In my opinion, the city is great but too big for me and it has a massive huge giant problem with free places to rent for living! And I’m not even complaining about the weather, it is always a shit and you use to it. So the city would be really perfect if they started to build fucking houses at least 5-6 floor ones. Please🥲

    10. The Reeperbahn district is famous as the area where the Beatles began their rise to world fame. They had stints in several clubs there, and played for hours every night.

    11. I would really like to move to Germany, but I received some bad news today. Due to the freezing of the German government budget, the opportunities for voluntary work (FSJ and BFD) will be drastically reduced for foreigners. This has discouraged me and taken away my hope of being able to live in Germany. I have been planning this for a long time and have spent a lot of money on German language certificates and passport issuance.

    12. I mean you cant really compare "Hamburg" food with Italian or french food a more fair comparison would maybe be paris specific food or rome specific food to Hamburgs

    13. I don't normally live in Germany, I went to Germany for a trip and stayed in Berlin and Hamburg for a certain period of time. I think they are both beautiful cities, but the nightlife is more intense in Berlin.

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