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    1. Well done uploader, absolutely ruined with non stop ads, and to make it worse, Elon musk scam ads , pure greed 👎👎👎. Please remove the scam ads, otherwise you uploader are directly helping scammers

    2. Why is a horse roaming the roads especially a busy road like that. The owners should be fined heavily for this. Would they get done if the horse had killed someone.

    3. In New Zealand we have 1 motorway that's 70mph, all the rest are 60mph. Oddly enough the 70mph one has an actual cycle lane on the hard shoulder. I was gobsmacked when I 1st saw it

    4. It’s sooo obvious the horses were running from something maybe something scared them to a point that they ran out it’s not really their fault at all… the owners who own the horses partially to blame them because they didn’t keep their horses safe deffo didn’t keep them in a safe and secure situation meaning their stables. Animals especially horses are scared with sounds like horns and alarms it could have been that a car was horning aggressively that caused the horses to react as for the driver I’m glad he’s okay and I can sense he is concerned about the horse bless him but what else could he have done he didn’t see the horse it was too last minute

    5. As an Asian myself this has annoyed the shit out of me of course it’s fucking Asians always is if this problem has got nothing to do with you GO THE FUCK HOME!!!!! when you have more than 10 people it confuses the police and causes a major problem but that’s the thing Asians are soo pathetic and stupid they don’t see it like that the police have been witnessing 2 cars rather than 1 ans now there witnessing friends of both the car and the lorry driver or whatever it’s just a major headache they come for the drama like piss the fuck off it’s not your shitting problem

    6. I finished my shift at my place of work at 3an. Joined an unlit motorway. I was tired and eager to get home when from nowhere two horses ran past my drivers side door a few feet from me. I was in Lane 1 and the two horses were in lanes 2 and 3. I was traveling at around 60 and the horse were running gge wrong way down the motorway. It happened so fast that I barely had time to register what happened. I pulled over and contacted the police. I could hear the horses running away up the motorway but there was no way to see them or no possibilty of catching them. The feeling of dread I got when I saw headlights behind me the distance! I had a torch and was waving it madly trying to warn the driver. I'm not sure if they saw the horses or where they had a near miss, but they pulled over with their hazards on a good distance from me. Very very scary! No idea what happened to the horses.

    7. If the vet was stuck in the tailback of traffic, why didn't the police either give the vet a lift to the scene or arrange a "blue light" escort, surely more sensible than deploying fire-arms officers!

    8. Lets not cheepen the amount of accidents caused by drivers to horses and there riders because of speading or carelessness on county roads .iam sorry for the human error leading to this senseless death.

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