Transrarău Road connects Valea Bistriței with Valea Moldovei, being built in 1989, but paved only in autumn of 2014. The altitude reached by the road is around 1,500m (near Cabana Rarău) and connects Pojorâta (Valea Moldovei) with Chiril (Valea Bistriței).
    It was named “Treasure Road”, because on the route you will discover some of the treasures of the Rarău and Giumalău mountains: enchanting landscapes, “Pietrele Doamnei” rock formation, the rocks of Adam and Eve, Giumalău springs.
    A road that definitely deserves a place on the podium of the most spectacular roads in Romania.

    Start: Chiril
    Length: 11.5 km
    Summit: 1,505 m
    Elevation gain: 770 m
    Average gradient: 6.8 %
    Max gradient: 15%
    Ridden in September

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