
    If you would like to support German in Venice with some gas money or you want to buy me a coffee you are welcome to donate to my paypal account

    I am talking about problems you can run into when you do travel vlogs  you do not have the time to edit your videos, while you travel after me talking about my experience I meet up with Gogo, my friend and walk around the local fair Spoedentalplatz


    1. Oh, Mike, some mentally ill homeless man from Venice Beach climbed the ferris wheel in Santa Monica with a bomb, threatening all the children on the ride he was going to blow them all up. Now I see you on a ferris wheel but no one with a bomb, LOL. Have a great time with mom and your friends there in beautiful Germany. Be healthy and be safe. 🤗

    2. Did everyone see the GiV in that picture? WOW, what a ladies man Mike was, still is hanging out around all those beautiful women in his videos. Pamela Anderson being the most beautiful with her arms around Mike. What a luck guy Mike is.🥸

    3. YouTuber ist schon hart. Andere Menschen müssen 8-10 Stunden arbeiten und noch zur Arbeit und nach Hause fahren. YouTuber filmen und müssen dann noch schneiden und hochladen. 😂😂😂

    4. So happy to see GoGo again. He always has a smile on his face and a great attitude. He sees the good around him no matter what. A real positive attitude. Hang with him more often, it might rub off onto you.

    5. Do you think that you will pack up and move back home? Since LA is extremely getting worse for business and homelessness? Heard many famous people are moving away from LA. Do you find yourself thinking of leaving soon someday soon?

    6. Hey G I V I , Looks like I was unsubscribe from your channel. I thought you got married and stop making videos so I had to search for you. Hahahehe I just re-subscribed to your channel. 😂🎉

    7. Mike. Take a break from being a "YouTuber" and enjoy time with your mom. Stop dragging her all around Germany to do travel vlogs. If you want to travel, don't video for a while. We're not going to abandon you.

    8. Ich bin aus dem Ruhrpott in NRW und verfolge seit einiger Zeit deine Videos , finde es sehr spannend und interessant , du machst das super ! Aber lass dich nicht stressen und genieße die Zeit mit deinen Freunden und deiner Mutter , schöne Zeit ist das Wichtigste

    9. I was there with my wife a few days ago. It's right around the corner from us, 500m as the crow flies. We bought the best fried fish there and a few roasted almonds. I would have loved to meet you there! 😅 We used to go to the “Blauen Engel” very often when I was a student. simply the best people there

    10. Gogo is amazing and it is very obvious you miss his friendship , don't see that much smiling and laughing in Venice Beach videos . Just sayin . give Mama GIV a big hug for all of us . Thanks Mike

    11. Crash & burn baby! It's the American way! Gain weight, and get old like me, it starts to get cold out ez to croke. Just make sure you make a video of, we all injoy your efforts.

    12. Hey german in Venice, no lie… what you need is a honey. Why don't you try dating? You aren't a bad looking dude. A nice girl that has the same habits as yourself would make your life so much colorful. Trust me… give it a try!

    13. I started to leave a comment, went away & couldn't find my thread again! I'm not very computer savvy! I've been leaving posts, manchmal auf Deutsch und auch auf "SourKraut" asking if U have any Interesse in doing some vlogs aus Hawaii? …if Ja, we need to talk away from your channel. Wally, "Der Bayer aus Hawaii"/"Der bayerische Ananas" 🤙

    14. Hi German in Venice. My cure for LA. Arse fucking does not produce children. It does produce disease. Benefits does NOT produce GDP. Greedy managers do not produce jobs, sending those jobs abroad. I think German greedy bastards are learning this in Germany. Love your content.

    15. Hi GIV, you sort the crime, evilness going on. Benefits do NOT work. Humans are smart. Taking is more prevalent than giving. Our tourists said Santa Monica peer is now a criminal organisation. Personally mate, hope you can help. But LA is a hell hole. UK is a benefit place too. Spoke to one of my delivery drivers. He said they are too fat to get their groceries from bottom of the stairs. He was leaving. FAT fucking lazy bastards, he said.

    16. Here is another thing. There are fewer and fewer of our builders, drainage, plumbers, roofers and many more. They get free money and everything. Personally I think the bigs cities will become so toxic. Greedy bankers will actually see in maybe 50 years, the worth of the plebs. The greedy bastards will be dead by then. As in Rome. Then Muslims would of taken over as in Byzantium. Then they will be drinking and eating pork. And have foreskins.

    17. Imagine GIV. There are no benefits? This will happen. The rich people ill NOT pay tax. GIV, the taxpayers say NO!. In UK we are already thinking about it. We are lucky as they have NO guns. GIV, these people who did not take on our free education, think they can trash our war memorials. Thankfully we have millions of Indians who were in our wars. Yes, the jewel in the crown. We used to think America would be our Byzantium. But India is ours.

    18. Just paid a little, will pay again if you read this message. I’m going to make you a wealthy GIV. In time, because I’ve been following you for years, please delete this if my real name shows up. If not I’ll deny it😊

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