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    My name is Denys, and I am Boeing 737 Captain. Before I used to fly ATR 42/72.
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    1. I dont believe Ukraine would have been successful in putting all forces together on one assault vector. Because of the minefields and the missing western support + no airsuperiority this would only have caused more casualties.

    2. We had 430,000 illegal immigrants cross our southern boarder in just 2023 alone. The United States is on the verge of a depression with record high inflation, food and energy costs, fuel costs, medical costs, and our government is busy giving money away to other countries. The democrats have been horrible for our country the last 3 years. It’s not a bad thing to secure our own border and then pass foreign aid bills. We had almost half a million illegals cross our boarder. I am all for supplying weapons and ammo to Ukraine, but democrats don’t care about Americans at all. They have to use these bills. Btw I’m not a republican or democrat. I try to look from the outside in. The United States is struggling. Keep up the good work Deny!

    3. If these new contracts start giving equipment and ammunition soon, the Ukraine difficulties may be reduced. Such a peer conflict is quite rare in the last 80+ years of human history.
      There's some hope on the pipeline…

      Now, the German term for a single point of pressure in battle is "Schwerpunkt" – I suspect that the decision of Ukraine to distribute the pressure at multiple fronts was also a political consideration. And, since we speak about politics, the USA Congress "horse trading" mentioned (Ukraine and the borders to Mexico together) is typical bartering "vote for my Mexico border security, and I'll vote for your Ukraine support". It's just not so explicit usually.

      That story about the Russian general driving the Ukrainian vehicle is SO Slavic. It could easily be part of a movie, and we would say that the scenario is too fantastic – but truth surpasses fiction, it seem

    4. Thank you for your update. I think that the rift between Voldomyr Zelenskyy and Valerii Zaluzhuni is exagurated and to a large extent Russian PSYOPS. We all know how good Russian trolls are.

    5. WRONG, the US and UK ARE obligated to help Ukraine, according to the Budapest memorandum that was signed. Ukraine gives up it Nukes for security guarantees, if invaded or attacked by a Nuke nation…….russia ( who themselves signed it and broke it.).

    6. The advice from NATO leaders to focus an attack vector on one spot and pour everything into it probably would not have worked well… particularly given the situation in the fighting in Ukraine at this time. And is something that has been born out of the West learning the WRONG lessons from WW2.

      Because that concentration of force plays heavily into the WW2 mobile war doctrines that emphasized a rapid breakthrough and destabilizing the command and control of the opposing force in order to weaken its ability to respond (and thus mask the vulnerabilities it has). And in small wars against weaker opponents, or against unprepared opponents these tactics can be devastating and make a smaller force seem more effective, which is what made the German advances of 1939 to 1941 seem so devastating. And where many GI commented after WW2 about how tough the Germans were… it's something that lead to many Western Armies deciding to COPY the Wehrmacht in terms of tactical doctrine… something that Halder, Guderian, and Manstein were all happy to do in the years after 1945.

      But there is a problem with this… Those tactics didn't win WW2, and to a great degree, neither the Western Allies nor the Soviet Union copied those tactics during the war. While all sides would improve their use of combined arms in the use of tanks and aircraft, a lot of the Allied tactical doctrine actually took more from the methodical battle lessons of WWI in the Second World War and largely using those tactics… And in many ways they worked, particularly where the Germans ran into situations where their tactics weren't going to work… or at least not well.

      The enabled the Germans to make massive advances in the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1942, but they were still covering vast amounts of territory in order to do so, which stretched German supply lines and resources… resources that the Germans really didn't have and left things rather open to counterattack. It's something that sets up the defeat at Stalingrad in 1942 to 1943. The Axis had so hyper-extended their lines that they had no real reserve to deal with ANY counterattack beyond a company or two. Thus, when Operation Uranus was launched, the Axis Satellite armies were practically obliterated, and the Germans were caught in Stalingrad without the means to supply themselves.

      And against an anchored line… the German tactics also didn't work. Rommel found this out in the Siege of Tobruk in 1942. The British were dug in on all sides and could be supplied by sea. There was no open flank for Rommel to turn and thus no easy rapid movement that could break the British positions… He HAD to fight a head on attritional fight, that he didn't have the material for. And that helps set up the defeat in Crusader and later at El Alamein. That rapid rush is only going to work if the opponent is either unprepared or unable to fight back. Against an opponent that is on par with that force and ready… those Wehrmacht tactics often fell victim to their own limitations…. and all of that became even more obvious in 1943 to 1944 as the Western Allies liberated North Africa, Italy, and France, and the Soviets advanced west.

      And yet… the Western countries all essentially decided to adopt the WW2 German tactics for the next war… and are still trying to demand the tactics that LOST World War 2 today.

    7. And in the meantime, in this universe not the UAF metaverse, the russian are gaining territory everywhere… Welcome to the new kill box UAF.

    8. Oh, Denys, the two issues are tightly connected. I'll explain. Democrats in the Senate do want both more illegal immigrants and more support to Ukraine. Republicans in the Senate want to stop the open borders inviting all and sundry into the U.S. and also want to support Ukraine. Seeing an opportunity, the Republican are attempting to get border control in exchange for Ukraine support. The fact is that Democrats have the Senate Majority and any barrier to Democrats doing anything they wish is coming from Democrats abandoning their Party leadership on the issue.

    9. It seems actually that it was nato strategy to use tanks like that.. in nato terms, you go around a mine field but reality is, there is no end to mine fields.

    10. 13:59 “create a single vector and concentrate all the resources to penetrate the Russian defense lines at the single place.” That’s WW II strategy that doesn’t work in this war, as the Ukrainians discovered in the opening days of its offensive and now the Russians are discovering at Avdiivka. Concentrating forces just creates a target rich environment for the artillery.

    11. It's a real shame that the Repubs choose to play the blame game, instead of doing the right thing and taking responsibility for all the bad decisions they've made.

    12. I support Ukraine 100% but believe it's time Ukraine faces reality. The US and Europe are not a never ending piggy bank and have their own needs and can only give so much. The aid to date given is unprecedented . Ukraine is dragging the free world down and needs to figure out how to live within its resources. You want to onbe in NATO you want to be in EU but only since the invasion. As an American I am tired of the constant complaining We are not doing enough for you.

    13. Если уничтожить америку то в мире будет порядок и не будет войны. Там куда придëт америка с дырявой демократией всегда война и разруха.

    14. Denys still speaks about ukraina advances????? Delusional state of mind. Sorry for ukraina guys and girls that are getting killed every day 🙁

    15. The West USED Ukraine as a proxy to fight Russia..the western media used Ukraine..they killed 500 000 young Ukrainian boys and turned Ukraine into a stone age country to try and wear down Russia..thanks America and the West!..it failed but at least no americans and british boys died trying! Just the entire country of Ukraine 😢..and for what?.. couldn't we rather have formed a diplomatic mutually beneficial arrangement?

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