1. In Germany, I have seen a young lady driving her car at 50 kmh, she was reading a big book about 600 pages at least, she was not driving a Tesla car that has self driving capabilities but a Golf 4 at least 30 years old, so I moved from that crazy place where also another car run two Red light at traffic lights that were about 100 meters away.

    2. In Europe it's called an MoT whereby you have to have your car inspected for any defects that affect the road-worthiness of your your vehicle. No "old bangers" allowed, the same for any soaped up vehicles with non-standard components. That's just for Britain BTW don't know how it works on the rest of Europe, but def no redneckhilly billy bangers allowed.

    3. American women do their make-up and hair while driving so your comment isn't surprising really. Stupid is as stupid does. Like guys who do do Listerine mouth wash and spit it onto someone else's car while on the Freeway. Duh. Or they choose to have a shave, which leads back to your previous video on American work conditionsvacation time etc.

    4. idk about every european country but in Denmark you may eat and drink while driving but only if it doesn't take your attention away from the road, drinking a bottle of water or soda, or eating a sandwich won't get you in trouble. Eating something that requires both hands for sure will

    5. The two red parts on the narrow road. Its cycle paths. And as a car you must stay behind the cyclist until you can pass them. And this is usually in the countryside. Wherever you are allowed to go 60 km/h. Greetings from Spakenburg, Netherlands.

    6. there is no trusting anyone, your car fails, its fixed then and there if its a dangerous defect,
      you can take is elsewhere for repairs, and come back for a retest for anything thats not imediatly dangerous and you still have time on the current MOT.

    7. 7:00 It is a thing here. People don´t read books while driving, but they use their phones and that´s forbidden. If they to talk to to someone by phone, they are allowed but only by a speakerphone. But many people use them to send massages and thats not allowed. Everything you have to hold the phone in your hands is not allowed while driving. But people still do, so laws get harder. You can lose your license if you get caught.

    8. Its called APK ( mandatory inspections ) cost 40 dollar, if your car doesnt pass it you have to let get fixed or your not allowed to drive at all . if you have your APK expired. you cannot drive but to the garage to get it done. its allowed to have it parked on the public road for 2 more months. after that you have to remove the car or fix the car.

    9. If you fail your yearly inspection in Sweden you need to get the issue/issues fixed within a month and then have a new inspection. Some repair shops can do the inspection for you after finishing repairs, otherwise you need to go to the official inspection place again. Cars older than 30 years are classified as "veterans" and only need inspection every 2 years, since your more likely to use it for recreational purposes only. The thought of all the rust buckets that would share the road with me if we didn't have car inspections is a bit terrifying.

    10. It might be a bit different in each country, but for example in Poland, when your vehicle fail an annual (exception – new cars need inspection 3 years after they were first registered, and then 2 years after that, next inspection is every single year) inspection – you have 2 weeks to repair it and get a passing test, and you may or may not be allowed to drive the car, depending on the severity of the issue. If it is severely damaged (i.e. no headlight, damaged suspension etc.) you might need to get a tow truck to get you from the inspection to the mechanic. What is more – after an accident the police will usually block your vehicle's permit until checked on the inspection that every problem after the accident was fixed and the car is again safe for road, the same apply to the situation when police would stop you in traffic and find an obvious problem with the car (i.e. missing light etc.).

    11. In sweden we have inspection every year. And you can fail in three ways, or maybe I should say two. Because the first thing is something minor like side mirror are to dirty. Something you can fix as soon as you get home. If you dont fix it you'll get a fined.
      The second way is if there is anything wrong with your car. license plate lights not working, tire treads are less than 3mm or your left rear brake is more effective than the right one. You get 30 days to fix it and reinspect it. Don't and the car will be illegal to drive. Driving an illegal car=you'll get fined.
      The 3rd way is that they condemn your car on the spot. They slap a big sticker on your windshield and the car and you can only move it by trailer.

    12. If your vehicle is over 3 years old ( in the UK) you are legally required to have an MOT …. literally a certificate of roadworthiness…..if there is a failure….ie non working lights, bald tires or more serious emissions problems you will not be permitted to drive your car home as it is unroadworthy…. There are advisories like dodgy brake lights or an intermittent indicator that will be a fix and its fine but otherwise your off the road 👍

    13. most people drive during daytime, that is when the most cars are on the road and that is when the speedlimit is lower, burt the main reason is the enviroment.
      when you drive faster you burn more fuel and so polute more.
      but after working ours less people drive, so the roads are less crowded and you can maintain a more constant speed and so exilerate and brake less.
      what reduces the pollution.

    14. In the UK all cars over threeyears old have to undergo an inspection called the MOT. This is a comprehensive safety test and a test of emissions. If the car fails on any point it will be recorded. Our central record holding organisation is the Driver And Vehicle Licencing Authority which holds information about every driving licence issued, every MOT passed orfailed and the name and address of the keeper of all vehicles. The police have access to this database and use a system of Automatic Number Plate Recognition, (ANPR). The ANPR scan every car which comes into view and flashes up any anomalies such as no valid MOT, no Registered Keeper and lack of insurance. It will also show if the vehicle is stolen or the owner is wanted by the police or is of interest to tbe police. It is an offence to drive a car otherwise in accordance with one's licence, without insurance or a valid MOT.

    15. The electromechanical speedometers on older cars could typically have errors of up to +/- 10% , hence the common practice of “forgiving” small (<10%) infringements. As today’s electronic speedometers and navigation systems are much more accurate, the authorities could be forgiven for insisting on a more rigourous application of speed limits.

    16. One-lane roads are usually old country roads that date back to the horse-drawn cart era. They have been given a modern asphalt surface, and will often have a cycle or pedestrian track on one side (different coloured asphalt) which can double up as a passing place if you encounter oncoming traffic. But they are basically intended for low-density local traffic. Except of course for the Scottish Highlands where single-track roads with occasional passing places are fairly common, and add to the charm of the holiday for unwary tourists ( some mountain roads in Corsica are similar, except that one side is often a 50 meters drop with no safety barrier !)

    17. I drive from Frankfurt to Rotterdam 3 or 4 times a year to get a car ferry to the UK (plus 3 or 4 return journeys, of course). Except for the initial and final 5 or 10 km, I am on high quality German and Dutch autobahns. My speed in the Netherlands is typically limited to 110kph (around 70mph). In Germany, I will usually be at 130 to 160 kph ( around 80 to 100mph).
      In perfect security : I have a reasonable family car, well maintained, officially inspected every 2 years. I respect other drivers and they respect me, and we respect the proper, considerate use of the different traffic lanes. Even the drivers of big BMWs and Porsches, capable of much higher speeds than myself, cause no problems : they are usually in the fast, overtaking lane and simply slow down a bit until I can safely move to the centre lane. It is simply a matter of respecting other road users.

    18. Inspection in Poland : new car first after 3 years, next after 2 years, and next every 1 year.
      Speed limit – highway (Autostrada in polish), mark as A) : 140 km/h (87 mph), express highway (droga ekspresowa, S) 120 km/h (75 mph), Main Fast Road (Droga klasy GP) – waries how wide is 80/90/100/110 km/h (50/56/62/68 mph).
      Typical speed limit is 90 km/h and 50 km/h in residential area, BUT in some area limit is 30 km/h

    19. The bicycle lane is a relative new thing. it came up to solve the car<->bike problem with some not aware car drivers.. It works more on the psychological way as there is a "lane for bikes" and as you have seen – the guy intentionally drives outside the bike lane.
      How it works: the line between the car lane and the bike lane is not a continuous line – so you are allowed to cross – this means you can use the bicyle lane, too, but the bicycles have the higher priority on their lane.
      Also the bikes can use the car lane to pass by on slower bikes, but have also to look for cars…

      In other words – its just logical 😅😅😅
      And i like them – cars tend to have more space to the bikes when passing by. It works for more peace on the streets.

    20. After an TÜV inspection in Germany, you have 2 years to come to the next inspection.
      If your car is caught with 1 month over on public areas, you get ticket, and it increases with every month you're above limit. It to much, your car is put out of service, first by a bit button like orange adhesive label, so you cant drive as it blocks your view. if you remove it it will get worse.
      If your not caught as your car is save on your private ground or in your garage, 2 years after the missed inspection month you may get it to the TÜV, but the inspection will be done much more intensive (they have to check everything…) and it will costs much more then the ~50€…

      you cannot flee from the death, the tax – and possibly: the TÜV 😁

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