Aimed at promoting Copenhagen’s fantastic, unique bicycle culture where 400,000 people in the Capital Region choose the bicycle for transport each day. And that rises to 63% of the population for people in the City itself. This video highlights who they are and what they do. It was shot over a period of four months.

    Copenhagen is one of the best cities for cycling in the world. Infrastructure in the form of Best Practice protected bike lanes is the key.

    Made by urban designer, author and host of The Life-Sized City – Mikael Colville-Andersen – for the City of Copenhagen.


    1. @mmcolony
      A cheap bike in denmark will be about 1'000-1'500 danish kroner (about 180 to 275 US$). A fair quality bike will be around 3'500 to 6'000 DKR (650 to 1100 US$). And an expensive bicycle can go at pretty much any price you can think of, the highest I have seen is 100'000+ DKR. (18'000+ US$)

      1 U.S. dollar = 5½ Danish kroner by today, though the US$ does fluctuate somewhat, so by the time you visit, it may be more or less.

    2. @mmcolony
      On a sidenote – If you go into a standard bicycle shop, you will be hard pressed to find a truly cheap bicycle .. they mostly carry medium quality or better. For low quality you will have to look around, or buy a used bicycle.

      The latter option is easy though, and some good stuff can be had. Especially if you visit someone with a garage and some tools, if you are handy with such. And if you have someone who can read danish, there's "Den Blå Avis" that deals with used stuff.

    3. I Love this! Genius… and not a helmet or piece of lycra in sight. In the UK we just dont get it… sad really. i want to go to Copenhagen just to cycle! sad innit!

    4. @10lx True. When you start cycling for fitness or amateur races, you have the basic gear. A year and four seasons later you find out why there is a large array of cycling gear available for all weather conditions. It's not just because people want to look like the pros. Every item has a practical value.

    5. cool video .. been cycling for about 8 years now but here in america, new york state i cant even find anyone to ride with so i ride alone most all the time 🙁 .. maybe i'll move to copenhagen 🙂

    6. Pues en España todo lo cotrario estan apunto de aprovar un ley muy restrictiva con las bicis,que no hay comparacion con ningun pais europeo.Sin duda Spain is different.

    7. cycling, it'll never catch on ;o) If only the rest of the world would open their eyes! if only motorists actually thought that I and everyone else on a bike is a human being just wanting to get somewhere…safely without being buzzed, threatened, driven at, sworn at, injured or killed the roads and the world as a whole would be a massively better place.

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