Keira is a great friend of mine with a great story. She used to be a professional cyclist, but moved to Girona having fallen out of love with the sport.

    Following a recent change of career and scenery, she finds her love for bikes rekindled.

    I went to Girona earlier this year to pay her a visit and explore the area, and this film apart from being about her story also highlights one of the world’s heartlands for cycling.

    Check out Keira:

    Cameras, Cinematography, Editing, Colour, Direction by myself
    Words by Keira

    ‘Witness’ – Oliver Michael
    ‘Train to Nowhere ‘ – Keira McVitty(!)
    ‘I Followed Fallen Leaves’ – Royal Nature

    Special thanks:
    Joe Laverick
    Ryan Gibbons
    Sandra Lopez
    Michael Garrison
    Josefine Huitfeldt

    Shot solo with Sony A7Siii with two lenses:
    Zeiss 24-70/F4


    Check out Galiber cycling apparel:
    I use Artlist for my music:
    I travel around UK & Europe in an EV – free charging credit with Bonnet:

    Follow my journey behind the lens and on two wheels:

    Website for work stuff:


    1. I’m in awe when reading that you’re doing your own camera work and cinematography. Kudos… brilliant on so many levels and you made some fabulous choices on angles of riders… keeping us within the environment you’re riding in. Also, the aerial shots were just stunning.

      *nod to the patient friends you have willing to help you get some of these shots. Always a huge plus 👍🏻

    2. I thought I knew my way around the Girona region, but can you tell me where the village on the outcrop of rock is…I've never been there?

    3. Spot on. For many of us ,slowing down puts us face to face with issues perhaps avoided,buried whilst constantly in the fast lane (running away) without realizing it! Humans,now more than ever are simply marketing opportunities for Global Corporate Interests… pretty crucial to at least be able to stop from time to time and reflect,learn what is real. Might have to put up with and move through huge conflict,negative emotions,fear,uncertainty,doubt before we see light at the end of the tunnel. Everyone is different and we all carry our own emotional,psychological baggage. Just press on. It is worth it if we are to find our truth. Prayer is good too!

    4. Lovely vid, I really like your lovely place and your beautiful bike. Oh why did you give it away?!?!?! Get it back, this bike is the best you’ll ever own or enjoy, contract or not

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