Suburban bicycle ride in Wroclaw (formerly Breslau), Poland
    A cycling POV in Wrocław, Poland. The cycle route concentrates on the suburban streets and park near TVP Wrocław, not the main tourist areas because that is not the purpose of this video, which is to show the more typical cycle paths and lanes and general routes a distance out from the city centre and away from the main tourism attraction areas and the local shops and parks.

    I Am Running with Temporary Success from a Monstrous Vacuum by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


    1. In cities, beware of cyclists who ride very fast and pass very close from the opposite direction on narrow paths.Good brakes, plus a working bell or horn is mandatory and needed big time but won't save you from the sometimes almost kamikaze-like cycling style of some of the other riders. On a typical trip, you'll encounter some cyclist whizz past or almost at you doing a speed that seems irresponsibly fast and yet on a pavement/cycle path or cycle lane. A friend summed up the motorists as driving at speed as if "on a mission" and the same is true of a substantial proportion of the cyclists. You'll find it worst in the suburbs. And watch out at night as many have no lights on their bicycles. If you're a motorist, you're expected to give way to cyclists at times and you should make sure you understand the rules and law before getting behind the steering wheel. There is a news report circulating that cyclists may need to be tested and insured in the future – if it reduces the number of speeding and dangerous cyclists then that's going to be a good thing. General stuff about cycling here but the most important advice is be very careful if you're a cyclist and if you're new to Poland and driving around because you'll find a lot of cyclists in the summer and basically it's your job to spot them and anticipate their rights and often dangerous errors. Tips for cyclists:

    2. Please also beware of punctures — I've had 3 or 4 from riding in cycle lanes in the past 2 or 3 months. Far more frequent than ever experienced in the UK where it was a rarity and I covered many miles per day. Also beware that in some cases drivers are expected to give way to you as you travel on a cycle lane or across a cycle crossing … but occasionally they just forget and nearly hit you; I just slammed my brakes on in the nick of time last night or I'd not be typing this today as a gentleman with a hipster beard whizzed across my cycle lane from my left at high speed to go into a large petrol station.

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