Nobody’s perfect, but sometimes there’s just no excuse.

    Like driving your van down a footpath to beat the traffic lights, rear-ending the car in front because you were too busy looking at your phone, or nearly causing a head-on collision because you were overtaking a cyclist.

    All of these offences – among others – were captured on camera and submitted to us via Operation Snap, which you can watch in this dashcam compilation.

    Op Snap is our online portal that allows road users to submit their footage to our roads policing unit, who will review the videos and take appropriate action where necessary.

    You can submit to Op Snap by visiting the ‘Report It’ section of our website at

    Across County Durham and Darlington, we all have the right to use our road networks safely, and that means identifying dangerous drivers and dealing with them accordingly.


    1. when submitting a piece of dashcam footage do you first have to click on a button to say that you are willing to attend court as a witness?
      I know that is the case with Northumbria police

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