6 Most DISTURBING Cases That You’ve Never Heard of | True Crime Documentary
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    6 Most DISTURBING Cases That You’ve Never Heard of | True Crime Documentary
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    00:00 Nikki Allan
    43:33 Madyson Middleton
    01:08:24 Rori Hache
    01:50:26 Chad Doerman
    02:09:24 Christopher Pittman
    02:33:11 Devon Arthurs


    6 Most DISTURBING Cases That You’ve Never Heard of | True Crime Documentary
    #truecrime #mystery #documentary #mysterious

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    1. Kinda like a crucifixion huh!? The pic reminded me of my baby blanket the women of the church made it its red black and yellow with white kitties on it with big green eyes my birth weight b day and my name but the e was left off brooke. That blanket holds a story of what i am and would be before i even knew


    3. Too many mothers fail to give their children a safe home & allow them to roam on the streets where dangerous predators who live close to all of us. We've known for centuries it's not safe out alone for young children so why parents allow them to be out along on the streets only they know. When something goes wrong should be answerable for neglect.

    4. Let me see! Her head and butchered parts of her body are found in his freezer. Her hand or arm is found in the drain pipe. Her torso is found in Lake Ontario and he owns a boat! But they don’t arrest him, hes just detained? What kinda fucked up judicial system do the Canadians have up there? What a lawyers paradise! 🇺🇸

    5. Christopher Pittman:
      Not the Zoloft which is such a benign antidepressant that the first drug Psychiatrist Prescribe for Depression is Zoloft. The major side effects to watch for are increased Depression and/or Suicidal thoughts and weight gain. The same type of negative symptoms from Prozac.
      Paxil is a whole other drug in this category you cannot suddenly stop taking. The symptoms are similar to an inner ear disease called Minears Syndrom. Where upon standing up or turning your head it takes time for your vision to catch up like seeing the room in frames. You will probably suffer severe dizziness and could pass out everytime you stand up from a seated position. You may experience some Tinnitus or hissing in the ears during dizzy spells.These symptoms could last a few Months even if you've only taken Paxil a short time..
      The Psychotropic Drugs Prescribed for Mental disorders and Depression that have caused severe symptoms in Patients are either no longer available. Not Approved by the FDA, like Serzone. Some are only used in a Clinical Facility or Mental Health Institution or Hospital, such as the drug Haldol.
      Or drugs not Approved for Children.
      It is Illegal for any Drug Manufacturer to Test their Products on Children.
      All Labels on Over the Counter Pediatric Medicine may state that their Product has been Approved or Recommended for use by Pediatricians.The labels are false.

      It seems more likely this Young Boy had issues with Anger and Impulse Control.
      Although Grandpa had the right idea, his Grandson was too old for the old fashioned spanking! All that would do is breed resentment and anger! Grandpa could discipline without anger if he could reach the heart and turn the kid around?
      However, I have a suspicion that Grandma wasn't putting up with the Social stigma and was talking about sending him back? And the kid lost it? He didn't really plan ahead after the Angry Outburst? Poor Impulse Control and Anger Management! He may have even learned the behavior from his DAD?

      The Grandparents should have gotten their Grandson into a Psychiatrist for the proper diagnosis and Pharmacology on every medication, how long he gave it to work and which one had least side effects and did the job?
      If that's what he really needed?
      I doubt the main issue was Depression?
      Hearing a "Voice" telling him what to do? Is a sign of Scitzophrenea that is extreamly rare for Children to show symptoms of this psychosis. Especially in the beginning of the disease?
      He definitely sounds like he rehearsed the lines!

      He's an angry little guy who isn't getting what he wants when he wants it?
      There's More!
      He's 12! Girls aren't the only humans who go through major changes during adolescence? I believe society has missed Boy's the changes aren't as evident? He may have burning itchy skin from growing spurts, not just medication? Hair changes and skin changes. Also mood swings. Natural occurances and bouts of depression are part of growing pains. I think nobody prepared this kid at all? And he's lost and pissed off?
      He's going to act like the biggest Asshole in the world to show everyone just how pissed off he really is! He really has no words to express how he feels? Its Everything all at once! Too many things! Think of PMS, on top of that with body changes and emotional problems? Immaturity and a lack of nurturing or understanding and he certainly lacks communication skills?

      (All of my Adolescent boys went through growing pains between 12-14! )
      I cannot believe any Pharmacist NOT ordering the Prescribed Medication that's available Country Wide and the Distrubutor can get it within a couple of days? Why force a GP Dr. To change the medicine is a rediculous request? It's unbelievable!
      Depakote would have been a good start for this boys aggressive behavior? Welbutrin was a well recieved Antidepressant Adolescents were given with little side effects. And no setbacks when getting off of the medication? Antidepressants are a last resort for Children. And should be used sparingly.
      For those who experience Tramma. Starting a low dose immediately for a short term often reduces symptoms of PTSD later on in all Tramma Patients.
      And for those who have been Assessed or Evaluated by a Professional Mental Health Expert as to the likelihood that the Patient is truly Suicidal or Severely Depressed and will Self Harm?
      Otherwise, private Counseling, Group Therapy, and Family Counseling is where I would start. Then eliminate the Counseling Sessions not priority as Patient learns Coping skills?

    6. Those poor boys, but if you ask me, it was THE JAB caused the father to lose all control. I think we are going to be seeing a lot of this in the FUTURE.
      Everyone of these stories are horrible, EVIL RULES THIS WORLD. As I said, MORE of these horrible killings are coming, like a freight train as the Spirit of GOD is slowly being withdrawn from off the earth.

    7. I remember this horrible horrible case from London I was as old as Sharon, all these years later with my youngest child of 6 I now because of the change in the old ways and beautiful Nikki my middle name I’ve never ever forgot and I thank you Nikki for helping me to as a mother with now mother myself to and totally neglected etc to watch my Lexie like a hawk, i still cry when I think of Nikki and Sharon, and the justice the got and took down a huge peace of scum out this world, I lost my oldest at 5 and never forget her and deal with the pain every day, photos are helpful especially the one tiny! But kissed every night and put under my head/ pillow.
      ✨💖🕊️💖⭐️✨Nikki x

    8. "We helped azov battalion in ukraine" lol. Him and every western government. People easily influenced should be avoided at all costs, even when theyre convinced they have the moral high ground.

    9. Rori's lifestyle is what brought her to her demise. I believe she hooked up with him for drugs and ended up with a psycho paying for it with her life in the most brutal way. Drugs are no joke. It make you do things you wouldn't normally do and it messes with your mind and make bad decisions.

    10. My first question is if your daughter is known to have mental issues, WHY would you as a mother just take her to the emergency room and just leave her there un attended 😮😢. Shame on her 😡

    11. I’m from Northumberland. Doesn’t surprise me that they did that to the poor man. I was in a domestic relationship a few years ago. I finally went to the police, he claimed self defence and they basically said yeah it’s all my fault. The police are just as bad as the abusers because they do fuck all.

    12. Let's be honest. It's gosh darned peculiar for a man to be giving a 12 year old child, girl or boy, a spanking. It sounds more like a "spanking." I have a feeling there's much worse at the root of the moveable piece they called a child, and more than one sinister scenario in each of the households he was shuffled off to. The parents were messy, the grandparents were messy, and one can imagine where it all began. I would imagine by the time he went to court, he'd accomplished a good level of compartmentalizing and disassociation.

    13. Chris who became Kristen that is the same photo just long hair added photoshopped ,I don’t get how you can try a 12 year old like an adult,here in the uk two ten year old boys murdered a little boy of three James bulger they never went to prison at all only a secure unit for kids, one is back inside over and over the other is living a normal life they are around 40 years old now I personally think if a kid does a murder under age prison is not right for them but I also believe some should get a prison sentence when they are of age not underage when they did it

    14. That's completely wrong in Downey, Darko. He didn't do any crimes. He tried to save everyone and he realized he couldn't show when he saw his future. He just let the spoiler alert do its thing. You haven't seen the movie enjoy. Craziest movie I've ever seen. But that's completely wrong..didnt.give anything away.

    15. On the Chad Doerman video, what's the deal with the captions? They're so far off from what was being said! So sad, those poor little boys. I can't imagine what the 7 year old thought when he was being chased down by his own father and then the 3 year old as his dad pulled him from his mother's arms. I get sick of the "he just snapped" excuse.

    16. I cant believe that educated people dont know the affects of certian mind alternating drugs AND the fact that the doctor did what he did 🤬 we need to do our research and STOP blindly trusting physicians and the pharmaceutical industry!! So sad, this case breaks my heart.

    17. That freezer most certainly could fit two body's in it, there was a guy that murdered two women ( in the UK ) and he put both body's into a tiny chest freezer just like that ( and about the same size ) anyway he broke knee-cap's too make them fit, so it is quite possible that he did store one or more bodies in that freezer

    18. So it seems to me Devon Arthurs was telling the truth. The 1 living roommates went on to get out in 2022, yet was caught you to blow something up just a year later?! That’s insane. If he’d of just called the cops on them you know.

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