#史特拉斯堡 #法國 #strasbourg #france #法國旅遊 #阿爾薩斯省 #歐洲旅遊 #travel #alsace #europetravel #cathedral #unescoheritagesite #unesco #vlog #travelvlog #旅遊vlog #旅遊 #tgv

    搭TGV火車到法國史特拉斯堡 TGV TRAIN TO STRASBOURG, FRANCE|小法蘭西、史特拉斯堡大教堂

    今天我們從德國斯圖加特搭TGV火車到法國史特拉斯堡。史特拉斯堡市一座德法混血城市,飲食文化建築多少受到德國影響,著名的小法蘭西區裡頭有非常多木衍架建築。 史特拉斯堡大教堂和小法蘭西區並列世界遺產,也是必看景點,目前是世界第六高的教堂,裡面的天文鐘定時有表演。我們在史特拉斯堡享用午餐,吃了來到阿爾薩斯省必吃的火焰烤餅,非常美味唷。希望你們喜歡我的影片,請訂閱、按讚、開啟小鈴鐺並分享哦。

    Today, we took the TGV train from Stuttgart, Germany to Strasbourg, France. Strasbourg is a city with a rich blend of German and French influences in its food, culture, and architecture. The famous La Petite France is filled with charming half-timbered buildings. The Strasbourg Cathedral and the Little France district are both UNESCO World Heritage sites and must-visit attractions. The Strasbourg Cathedral is currently the sixth tallest cathedral in the world, and its astronomical clock performs regular shows.
    We had lunch in Strasbourg and tried the must-try speciality of Alsace, the Tarte Flambée, which was incredibly delicious. I hope you enjoy my video; please subscribe, like, turn on the notification, and share it.

    Stay by Ron Gelinas Chill Beats | https://open.spotify.com/artist/03JYfsI9Ke7JFuxHD239m2
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com

    Hopes and Dreams by Ethereal 88 | https://ethereal88.bandcamp.com
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)


    1. 很厲害的教堂跟布拉格的有得比,難怪被列入世界遺產❤

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