Hello everyone,
    here comes postcard nr 4 of my Beautiful Bile Tour and here again I come to practice gratitude.
    In chronological order I want to thank Gordon of žižkovšiška for having me back in #prague and all the cute people who made it a great show, especially Jacek at the mixing board who was so patient with my sound and light requests. I will see you again on April 5th!
    I want to thank Adi Nimmerfall from CulturCafé Smaragd who baptized my first gig in #austria and apparently not the last! In spring I’ll be coming back to Linz, to both Badcafe (March 1st) and Smaragd (Tba)
    I want to thank the guys of Cyklo Kuchyňa in #bratislava, Slovakia but most of all Samo Samuel Veis & Sleczna Betka for their love and care. I love you guys.
    A special thank you goes to Ingo Ganzmann because with his work and care, made these gigs possible. He has been my guitar doctor and practically resurrected my #telecaster. If you are a bassist or in need of a top luthier, check out his smooth instruments and his innovative work!
    Thanks also to Marcel and Jana of the Barrák music club for having my show in #ostrava. Thanks also to his sweet friends for joining the party.
    A huge thanks goes to Tony – Tonda for having me at TepJazz club, Teplice, CZ. Such a professional and gentleman! The night in Tepjazz has been a memorable for me. When you are given so much care and love by the staff, when you have such an educated, playful, kind audience, it’s so easy to deliver a good performance! Thank you, you really know the meaning of hospitality! Thanks also to Zdenek at the sound and to the ladies at the bar who met my coffee needs with extra care..
    Thanks also to Martin Peschl, Angelika and Marek of Stone Smoker for having me in MOSKVA BÍLINA, and to all people who launched into my show despite language barriers. Next time, I’ll make sure I know more Czech, looking forward to be there next autumn.
    There would be much more to say, memories and night trains, the emotion of being in Teplice, a city where Beethoven wrote one of my favorite pieces of music ever: the Allegretto from his 7th symphony.
    And several inner postcards of my mind, like the sweet family at the Cheb train station, who practically put me in the right train. Or again the evocative apparition of the phonolite hill of Boren in Bílina, whose shape in the dark, against the crepuscule bluish sky, was so eerie and magic. Or the echo of a policewoman’s voice in Nuremberg, who, after being so loud and rude at one of my info requests, came back 10 minutes later to apologize. Tiny flashbacks of the past few weeks, the night walk in Bratislava with Sam & Betka among skyscrapers, clubs and night diners. Or the inspiring little square in Linz, as I smoked outside before starting the show, yellow lamp posts lights and it rains. Rain can be so beautiful when you are allright inside. Or the dry, unexpected kindness of Ostrava people at 5 in the morning, while I was searching for the right bus on the way to the hotel. It’s little things, as always, and it’s all that matters, little kind moments of hope.
    On the way back to Germany, I went to the toilet train, but the speed, plus some sudden shift and turns made the train shake and I hit my hand on a sharp piece of metal. I started to bleed profusely and I came back home, which since few month is Erlangen, with my hand bandaged in toilet paper. I medicated and as I opened my luggage, I saw that the night before, also my trousers teared up in the middle: it’s because I discovered a new talent in myself, which is “table-jumping”. It’s a new sport I practice, where I step and sing, jump and howl, loop and dance.
    You can see it in the video-postcard. I love it so much and people appear to love it too, so why not! One more reason to include this moment in my shows.
    I hear people sing back and I see your smiles after the shows and this means the world to me. I am much more of a shy and insecure animal than I make believe and all this Blues is my precious bridge from my soul to yours. So this is my thank you – to all the ones who come and say a nice word, to the ones who sing along, to the ones who give time, space, support, attention and respect to my work. To the ones who send sweet messages, pics and videos after the shows. To the ones who want to know more and to the ones who simply rejoice.
    Now I go, in two days I’ll be in Chur, Switzerland, to play again for my friends Massimo & Uta at Punctum. Soon I’ll be back announcing the new dates.. till then stay tuned and
    See you on the road,
    be kind
    PS songs you hear in chronological order:
    Cha-Cha-Change – DD Cassiere, unreleased
    Just Forget – DD Cassiere, from YT project Fat Jesus
    Seagulls – DD Cassiere from my album Supernova
    Il Ballo di San Vito – Vinicio Capossela
    Oh Troubles! – DD Cassiere, unreleased
    Oh Hell – DD Cassiere & Aghia Sophia (on the album Bagpipe of Vice)
    Bike Loop Song – DD Cassiere, improvised and unreleased

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