Let’s preview Rule the Waves 3, the upcoming naval wargame from Naval Warfare Simulations (NWS) that is now partnered with Matrix Games (and Slitherine). Join Admiral von Torturpitz as head of the 1890s Imperial German Navy!

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    Build Your Navy, from pre-Dreadnoughts to Aircraft Carriers and Missile Cruisers!

    Rule the Waves III is a simulation of naval ship design and construction, fleet management and naval warfare from 1890 to 1970. It will place you in the role of ‘Grand Admiral’ of a navy from the time when steam and iron dominated warship design up to the missile age.

    Rule the Waves III will let you design and build the ships of your navy, and lead them into battle when war erupts. You will guide your navy’s deployment, construction and operations during a period of great technological innovation and political tensions. While the game derives much of its technology and events from ‘actual’ history, you will find that you forge your own new history each and every time you play!

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    1. Your mistake in the replace machinery calculation was not changing it to Oil Turbine. You left it the same Coal type. The benefit comes when you swap type during replacement.

    2. That naval gun research is so funny to me. Imagine devoting almost your entire naval R&D department to getting better naval guns but still fall short of the french. The new BB design with the 16 inch guns seems great though. The one triple superfiring 16 inch turret is pretty novel.

    3. Finally, you're at 39000 tons on the latest BB, but you could get the triple X turret by going up to 39500 and removing the extra knot.

    4. It's 1915 an aging Admiral von Torturpitz (around he's late 80's) must be getting ready to hand over the reins to his son Admiral von Tortupitz Jr (mid 50's) in a few years. It would be nice if we could sell off older ships to seconder powers (like France after the war😆) or put them in something like the NDRF that could be called out after sometime.

      Tortuga remember most Governments didn't want to spend much money between the late 20's to the middle 30's on their militaries let alone their navies and the navies had two naval treaties that cut down what they could build along with the number of ship they could operate since countries didn't want to go through another naval arms race like the Dreadnought race again (not to mention the economic problem they all had to deal with).

    5. I'm in 1940 playing as the UK (Guns at high priority, tech rated as very advanced) and I just got 6" guns with quality zero a while ago (my first light cruisers using them are still building…). I have unlocked every caliber and 3" and 14" (one from espionage) have been quality one for a while and I declined buying 2 inch quality 1 guns from the French at 7900, but quality stubbornly refuses to increase…

    6. Would going triple turrets on a BC with a Torpedo Protection of 1 be worthwhile? That was my thought watching him struggle with triple guns and 18 knots for BB's. Oh hey! Oktoberfest class! 😀

    7. I think the destroyer would have been better at 32 knots and medium range, just giving much more operational flexibility, and I think going down to 32 knots might have even given you enough tonnage to do both medium range and normal priority engines.

    8. How much ship age implies it's too old to serve surely depends a lot of technology. HMS Dreadnought of course is famous for making every existing design second-class but was decommissioned immediately after the First World War in 1918; that's only 12 years of service!

    9. Well, I suppose you could make it faster (and heavier) with bigger guns and more ammunition, why stop therer? A flight deck and some torpedo bombers that haven't been invented yet? 20 inch guns because you definitely want to be firing over the horizion at ships you cannot see. Good thing nobody ever put me in charge of a navy, those 20 inch guns couldn't even be moved more than 5 degrees off line without sinking the ship that carries them. Call me admiral Connor, certainly not admirable unless being kind to cats and little old ladies counts?
      Full speed and damn the torpedoes! This is not a strategic battle, we will board and sink you, inte em inte em, easy aesy, except for all that modern nancy stuff you might fire, that might be a problem? Huzzah, we shall sink bravely and let that be a lesson for you? Don't ever mess with people who shout 'huzzah', right off their heads, fucking nutters, h huh huzzah! (may I say this?, I believe that I re-introduced this long missed battle cry, either with your good self or on Wolfpack's postings, I am a fan equally, so don't be getting jealous). I hadn't seen it much before, but I think a well placed 'huzzah' just brought it forward? and it's so evocative and funny as 'a very funny thing' that begins with f.(thank God I didn't say fuck, that would be bad). To you sir and anybody unfotunate enough to have read this far, huzzah! with my compliments, You are welcome.

    10. Machine replacement might not look appealing now, but as speed becomes more and more important – and ships larger and larger, and thus more expensive – they'll start to look more worthwile.
      Obviously, other factors come into play, like budget, tensions and treaties. But once speed becomes important, and in some cases essential for some ships survival and usefulness, it will be a compelling factor for machine replacement, and in many cases just to keep the ship at design speed and maybe a small AA boost.
      Also, before scrapping smaller destroyers, consider refitting them as KEs. Last time I played, I didn't even need to reduce their speed below 24, I just needed to remove the torpedoes.

    11. Wait, what??? You NEVER have OLD DD's. 😉

      I THINK you have Diesels, but not improved diesels, so you can't quite make better DDs with Diesels yet. But should check, as that also helps CLs.

    12. Replacing machinery is expensive… but less expensive than building a whole new ship both in cost, but in maintenance, AND in time. Coal to oil conversions are worth a look. As are any ships you may want to convert into carriers. This isn't even taking in account dockyard limitations that were recently introduced.

      I tend to think Capital ships are more cost effective to replace the machinery on as they aren’t cheap – assuming you have half-decent guns on them that is. The armor is less a factor after the first couple of upgrades as the distance you are shooting at is your main defense anyways.

      TLDR; I think we should be considering upgrading some ships machinery /while/ also constructing new ships.

    13. Take the torpedoes off of the Oktoberfest! Your armor scheme does not support torpedo run tactics. When you move in to launch your torpedoes, your side armor will be in play more and your deck armor will be irrelevant. You started your design for long range fire, and added the torpedoes as an afterthought. Plus the torpedoes or a huge risk to the ship if the launcher gets hit. And plus after watching you play all these episodes you don’t risk your heavies, and I don’t see you starting now.

    14. You might not have noticed Tortuga, but when you hit REPLACE MACHINERY you can change the type of engine the ship is using.

      So you could swap your coal ships over to oil ships for example.

    15. Your not the only one who thinks the "Gun progression" is Stupidly slow. Like i started playing the game myself, 1890 start as the USA on Medium Fleet size, I'm up to 1901 and I have only gotten 4 Gun improvements. And YES I have my research on MAX with the Guns on HIGH the whole time (2 from Research, 1 i bought, 1 my spys stole) WHY does it take SO DAME LONG to Develop better Guns?! Like, you would think if your navy used a particular Size of Gun alot that you would be more likely to get improvements for that Caliber.

      On a more amusing, in my campaign EVERYONE is considered Technologically BEHIND Except for Grate Britian. I do not understand HOW that is possible but it is a thing that has occured.

    16. Let's be realistic, the reason nobody bothers to tell you to get rid of old destroyers is because we all know full well that you'll do it yourself…eventually.
      Because all your destroyers are captained by maniacs whose standing orders are "Helmsman, bring us closer, for our torpedoes and my sword arm grow restless."

    17. Follow the top voted comment for a 10 gun 16 inch broadside is going to be murderous congratulations on making a Thicker German Colorado. In the future you can strip out secondary turrets for AA gun space? Or could you go with 5 inch secondaries and upgrade them to dual purpose?

      These beauties later on will make fine merchant escorts for shipping protection. Because no Battle cruiser wants to mess with those guns.

    18. Hey TP! I'm the opposite of a naval buff, but I have enjoyed watching your RtW content greatly over the years non-the-less. I greatly benefit from your comments on decisions made. I have one question after this episode though:
      I was curious if you could elaborate on the penetration mechanics in the game, because you argued that your BB armor should just be enough to stop CA shells (so your armor is designed to deal with 10 in guns). Yet you still heavily armor turrets far beyond the point that their armor would seem necessary (10 in belt and 2 in deck/turret top would suffice). They are too lightly armored to stop enemy BB guns at anything but near max range, yet for 10 in guns ar anything but very short range seem 30+% too heavily armored. Would it make sense to make a significantly "lighter" BB with heavy guns to deal with anything that isn't a BB and rely mostly on DDs (and torpedos) to deal with BB? Or is there some probabilistic element that I am missing (I.e. the 14 in turret armor is still likely to stop most BB shells?)? Or is there some futureproofing at work, to deal with ships with 13ish in guns?
      You asked for comments on your BB and I feel like, with the information (and lack of expertise) I have, I'd reduce armor. The last two or three inches do little to help it win against enemy BB and I feel like both additional guns (to have a higher chance to hit first) or more speed (to pick your engagements more freely) may be more useful. If I'm completely off, I'd really enjoy getting a little more elaboration on the choices made.

      Anyway, keep up the good work, I always enjoy watching 😀

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