00:41 Will eating at night hinder weight loss vs. eating during daylight hours? (HCLF of course)
    01:35 How do you feed your cats?
    01:42 Does eating a high-carb low-fat vegan diet guarantee weight loss? What could cause someone to gain?
    03:43 Can I really eat unlimited carbs and keep fat low and lose weight?
    05:02 What is the fastest way to lose fat?
    06:36 How many calories do you eat?
    07:28 Should I count calories?
    09:04 I have lots of bloating when I eat a lot of vegetables. Do I need a variety of them?
    12:04 They say “frozen berries can cause hepatitis A”. (Look in the news.) What do you think?
    14:28 How do I get rid of dark circles under my eyes? (I’ve been a HCLF vegan for 9 years.)

    ➤ To get some coaching doucefrugalite@gmail.com
    ➤ My meal plan for a healthy BMI and my other ebooks https://payhip.com/doucefrugalite/collection/english-content

    I’m Pauline, 39 years old, cyclist, runner, hiker, vegan. Thriving on a high-carb diet since 2010, running since 2012 and cycling since summer 2015.
    Links of my social media:
    Instagram: sugarmademelean http://instagram.com/sugarmademelean
    Facebook: Sugar Made Me Lean https://www.facebook.com/sugarmademelean/
    Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/sugarmademelean
    Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/doucefrugalite


    1. Hi Pauline, thanks for answering my question. ☺️ The thing with hepatitis A was all over the German news in the last couple of weeks. And I buy frozen strawberries and raspberries almost weekly to put in my smoothies. And they say now you should heat them to kill any contamination and not eat them raw or put them in smoothies, that‘s why I was insecure. Even the German authorities warn about this now, I think there were 59 cases of contaminated strawberries 🥴 And it doesn‘t say on the package where they come from…

    2. Hi Pauline, I have a question on sugar. If a person is diagnosed with peridontal disease, is it still a good idea to consume sugar in the form of fruit, juices, rice and table sugar? Won't sugar just speed up the process of teeth loss?

    3. Hello Pauline, could you please make a video on how to raise cats vegan? I found a motherless baby cat on the street and I want to raise it but I don’t want to murder or enslave other animals for that.

    4. Hey, I’m travelling to India very soon. How would you approach balancing HCLF and experiencing local cuisine? Is it a case of sacrificing ‘health’ for experience? I know India can have a lot of oil in the food.

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