This was our first day in Greece, Nala didn’t come out much as she was too busy grooming herself in the basket!


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    We’re Dean & Nala, and we’ve been best friends since December 2018. I was actually cycling around the world when I heard Nala meowing out for me somewhere in the Bosnian mountains. With no intentions of keeping Nala, I knew i had to save the wee kitten and take her to the vet – but I was well aware of the fact that it might be a bit of a challenge considering I only had a bike. However, despite my concerns, Nala quickly climbed out of the front bag on the bike handle and straight onto my shoulder. Since then, we’ve been travelling the world together. So feel free to tag along if you’re interested in following our journey and adventures around the globe ❀️


    BIKING CAT 😻 ‡︎

    BABY NALA ❀️ ‡︎




    #1bike1world #cat #fulltimetravel #travellingbybike #cutecat #adventurecat #catvideos #nala #travellingwithcat


    1. Que impresionante gato!! que listo!! adorable!!! IncreΓ­ble!!! Lo Amo!!! te felicito por cuidarlo, disfrutar y compartir de esta gran belleza Wow!!!!! desde Cancun.

    2. I’m reading your book and you speak of the hot springs at Thermopylae, Greece in Chapter 9. I’m searching for some video from you for that location? Do you have any?

    3. I do love how Nala just does her own thing while you are cycling. Playing with her toys, grooming, sniffing the air, looking around and of course, cat napping. It must be nice to have a traveling companion who is so adaptable to any situation

    4. thank you so much for all your wonderful videos! I love cats and would love to travel but haven't much so it's a real gift to watch you and Nala travel the world! wish you and Nala the best!!!…do wish you too could both somehow wear helmets!

    5. 1:08 i just love her. she is trying to get all snuggy, comfy and cozy, just the perfect reposition for more zzzzz's . πŸ™‚ !!! Safe travels Dean!

    6. In the area in Spain where I live …. it is impossible to cross these local roads and not see the crushed bodies of cats, rabbits, and dogs in the middle of the road …'s Terrible!

    7. Somehow, I feel like I'm spending time with you and Nala, and that it's time well spent. I have my mind filled with peaceful scenery and a cat. There's nothing like it!

    8. Wish I'd known where in Greece you were biking
      as I couldn't see much of the landscape around you Dean. I lived there with my family, 40 + years ago. I'd loved to see what it looks like now.

    9. Hahaha, Nala reminded me of a baby chick slowly breaking out of her shell. You two bring such delight to my heart πŸ’—πŸ’—. THANK YOU 😊 πŸ™πŸ₯°

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