1. Why his work had not been more involved after he said he may be in “tomorrow, next week or not at all.” Should have alarmed somebody at his work. And sure there had to of been some signs that he was breaking down because it makes no sense is that he could have left and gone to live in the woods without harming his beautiful family and the family dog. Why not just leave and let your family live especially if you want to take your own life and all that for what? You had a loving wife and a daughter who seemed to be a responsible young adult with her whole life ahead of her. I understand that people are sick and some have mental sickness that is not curable such as cluster B personality disorders are not able to be treated they can just be diagnosed but it still doesn’t make sense to me as to why he had to eliminate his loving family when he could have let them live and still gone off to play in the forest with his elaborate two story fort in the woods hell he didn’t even need to tell his wife and daughter but could have let them live that is what makes no sense to me. My background is as a firefighter retired from duty and although I went on many calls over the years that were troublesome it is situations like this that no matter what I still will never understand why when he simply could have just walked away himself without tell his wife or daughter and while they would have emotional been hurt by his choice they would be alive and so would he living out his days in his fort. Hell it seems like his wife probably would have been fine had he wanted to go live that way she probably would’ve supported him doing so since he supported her and that brings me to the last thing I do not understand why blame your wife for the financial burden when you yourself was giving her the money and instead of allowing them to live you took their lives prematurely and then you took your own life which depressed or not makes no sense and feel like there had to of been some signs

    2. 8:51 I don’t think this poor woman knows her husband as well as she thinks. I don’t think his wife and daughter are part of his plan. 33:09 In regards to the arson, I was hoping a body wouldn’t be found but expecting they’d find his wife’s body, I thought perhaps his daughter might escape his insane plan being at college but sadly not. It seems he resented his wife and only had contempt for her and to hear her compliment his kindness and compassion makes it more tragic because she had no idea of his evil intentions! I think he considered his life a failure which caused severe depression and suicide was his intention if/when located. Too bad he was satisfied with his death and left his family out of it. Ego most likely….the old psychotic scenario of…..if I can’t have you no one else can! This is completely wrong and insane!

    3. I believed he was not narcissistic but he does have a lot of pride in himself. He's too proud to leave his family just like that. He could not just turn around when he has already shown so much love to his family. He's too proud to recognise that he has a problem ie depression and to seek therapy and help. He does show narcissistic tendencies in the way where he thinks his being is the all important in this world so he built the bunker to live out his teenager's fantasy.
      I believe that he does love his family in his own sick twisted way but also resented them because they're the reason, according to his understanding, that he cannot be himself and stuck being the giver of the family.
      He could not bear the thought of leaving them without him as their giver. He knew they would face hardships (his wife couldnt work and his daughter was just out of high school, just beginning her life) so he did what his sick mind think the best choice was; give them a quick death – shot them.
      The bunker, the arson were just an excuse because even in his sick mind, he knew he was going to commit a heinous crime. Logically, to escape is to hide the evidence, to hide himself and more. He still loves himself more in the end.

      This is why humans cannot be left with only their logical thoughts. They needed to learn the morality of their actions. Why there need to be a governing body over humanity. Lest we all ended up with sick twisted logical action like this man.

      I hope the extended family and friends of this family find peace in the whole ordeal.

      And those who read this comment, if you ever think it was not you but the people around you thats making you feel misery…Look deep and recognise your own incapabilities. Do not be afraid to seek help and therapy and improve yourself. Even at 40 y/o, it's still not too late to turn things around. You do not know what the future holds for you. What if you're supposed to live to the hundreds but because of your shortsighted-ness, you made a mess of things and killed yourself just at 40 just because you THINK you dont have enough time? You're not just stupid, youre dumb. Your brain is not all good you know. You can THINK wrong.

      Anyway, seek help, don't kill people and certainly don't kill yourself.

    4. Why the hell did he kill his family? Had he just let his family be and gone and lived in the bunker, then there wouldn’t be a police investigation. He could live out his dream and his family could live their lives. I don’t get it! Doesn’t he know that a murder case gets a huge investigation?

    5. What year did this happen? I can't believe this Youtuber completely neglected to mention the date that this all went down. Ridiculous. Nowhere is it mentioned in the video; that's unacceptable. What's the year this all went down? You don't even know, do you?

    6. He had the same line of thinking about his wife and daughter as people who choose to kill their pets rather than pass them on to someone else when caring for them gets too hard. To kill your family like that you have to see them as your property rather than individuals who can make their own choices in life.

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