If you want to listen to the best black metal song ever 🎶 Deafheaven – Dream House 🎶

Sofiane Sehili

Additional footage

Fanny Bensussan

Dunkelheit, Burzum
Rains & Tears, Aphrodite’s Child

0:00 Welcome in Norway
2:11 A cabin in the woods
3:15 Burning churches, murders, and neopaganism


  1. Je savais que Richard (Delaume) écoutait du Metal, mais je ne m'attendais pas à ça de ta part! excellent, en même temps comment passer par la Norvège sans écouter des membres de l'inner circle…😈

  2. That commentary was excellent. Yes, I love bikes and bracing dismal getaways on mine, but generally would rather cut off my own legs than armchair travel. Absolutely worth the downtime.

  3. Actually I am suprised but not suprised that Norway has allowed this guy to go free after 15 years behind bars but really I am suprised that France has let him in after

  4. First off thanks for the tip about Deafheaven – from 5minutes in to the end the song is fckn epic. However, on my rides I prefer something more sedate and calming such as Richard Dawson – The Hermit a 41 minute opening track off his album The Ruby Cord.

    Second off, good luck for the race. Plus I'd love to know more about your wet weather set up and general tips about riding in the wet.

    Third, why do your legs look so messed up all the time. I don't think I've ever seen a video where they aren't covered in scratches, gouges, cuts and bruises.

  5. Salut Sofiane, c'est un plaisir de suivre tes aventures ! Et puis j'te conseille de jeter une oreille sur le groupe Pénitence Onirique, du très bon black français. que la force soit avec toi✌

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