1. Yes, the police ARE THERE to keep the peace. But if you are peacefully displaying your PATRIOTISM for this country, and not actively provoking anyone, then you have the right to do that, regardless how large, or small your symbol of patriotism may be.
      Now if somebody, or a group of people who may or may not be citizens of this country, take offence to that, then that is on them, too bad!
      But it is also the job of the police to educate THOSE people, in the most appropriate way possible, that they DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to acost ANYBODY, for displaying our national symbols. You may not agree, being of Brazilian descent yourself, but you enjoy the freedoms that we have in this country too. As you said yourself, outside of the Students Union building, to the guy who took offence to you filming their information stand, "This is a free country, and we fought two world wars to maintain those freedoms"
      So by your logic, your little YouTube video is more important than the freedom for others to celebrate our national identity, even though you were clearly causing offence to the guy who acosted you for filming?
      Because that could be taken as provocation, and you would expect the police to uphold YOUR freedom to do what you do, regardless of the subject matter.

      I was hopeful that this video would show that maybe you had seen the light, and you would champion the freedoms of everybody to express themselves how they wish, regardless of beliefs or political persuasion. But sadly, you havent really learnt anything, from your early days as a YouTube "movie maker" You are still, and pribably always will be, a self righteous mouth mouthpiece, and obnoxious narcissistic PR!CK!

    2. WTF, Piccadilly gardens, WTF have they done to it!!! It used to be a whole green grass park and I recall going with my grandmother and aunties several times as a child in summer holidays… City councils really fucked it up.

    3. it is funny to she that lady switch her position to play victim and them unable to hold up to, and omit the true of touching your camera. Rings true of many of the 'party lines' people are currently reciting and defending

    4. The absurdity of these trendy leftists “ people “ logic is funny, once it’s questioned or applied to them, they don’t like it and it fails hilariously.
      Spike Mulligan was a master at pursing stupidity to its illogical end, where it would self destruct.

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