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    1. Where I live near Manchester, the kids ride escooters and e-bikes on the pavements. They rarely have lights and wear black or very dark clothing. They are deadly, you can’t hear or see them, especially at night. My tiny dog is black and wears a flashing light and a coat lights up at night. I shout at them to get off the pavement but thekids but they just laugh and speed off. I’m convinced there is going to be some very bad accident one day soon. If they’d keep to the roads, it would mean they were in danger but they insist on riding on the footpaths, thereby putting pedestrians and pets at risk. The lads wear helmets so they’ll be safe enough. One of the nearly smacked into my little 4kg dog last year and would have surely killed him if I hadn’t pulled him out the way. The police just ask do you you know where they live????? Not interested ….
      Certainly officer I know the name and house number of every person I pass in the street – doh …..

    2. There's 5mil idle lazy beggars that should be trained to fill work places, nit flood us with indians and Nigerians to look after us. If wont make the effort then cut their benefits. Countries to soft. Just stop migration, JSM

    3. I am amazed that the world does not see that Israel is committing so many war crimes and not being called out for it. I have never seen so much carnage and murder committed by Israel and the west only backs them up. I am so ashamed to be British and my government only urges them on in these atrocious crimes Israel is committing. Fight terrorist yes but this goes far beyond fighting terrorists with the mass murder of civilians. The whole of the UK gov are shameful in this support of genocide being committed by Israel. The media is not showing the carnage committed by Israel I wonder why?

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