In this video, we talk about the role of money in Germany. We also discuss what a good salary in Germany is and what to prepare for when planning a move to Germany.

    Understanding Salaries in Germany

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    We know how frustrating and painful it might be to move to a new country, especially if you don’t fully speak the language. That’s why we created Simple Germany.

    Simple Germany provides tips & information in English about living in Germany as an expat. We talk about services that are friendly and easy to use to beat German bureaucracy. We also cover the cultural aspects of living in Germany. All of this brought to you from the eyes of an expat and a German duo. We want to help you settle in Germany more smoothly.🍻

    🍿 Visit our website for more in-depth information on life in Germany:

    Simple Germany

    ☕️ 💜 If this video was helpful to you, and saved you time of research, please consider buying us a coffee as a small donation.

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    1. Interesting that the narrative of full time nanny in Latino countries is similar to Nigeria where i come from. Thanks for sharing this clear perspective on salaries in Deutschland

    2. Enjoyable talk. I moved to Germany in June this year and I really understand your views. As a postdoc in Brazil I used almost 100% of my income and here in Germany I can save 20% or more every month and still live comfortably. So to me my income in Germany is amazing, but my boss told me he thinks postdoc income in Germany is too low…

    3. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but poverty kills it. And growing a salary doesn’t just by itself bring your dream opportunities to life, but living payslip to payslip locks them out. From here on it really matters the most what you prioritize outside of the scope of tools and engines (that is money and opportunities). I’m very very happy you did this talk. I like a lot the format, so to say, of conversation and it adds up just so timely to all the self-infused frustration seen all over the place.

      I prioritize core western values and living with peace of mind, with societal respect for equality and the freedom for pursuit of happiness. To me it’s that Simple… Germany. 😇

      LG aus Plovdiv zum letzten Mal! 🪂

    4. I moved from India , with my family including a kid. The cons is that there is no time for anything other than running house errands. During the week we work and during the weekend we run the errands and prepare for the week again . Where is life here and we are speaking about better lifestyle in Germany .

    5. An HONEST Talk: What does a good salary in Germany depend on?

      —-> RACE
      In Germany it is everythign about RACE RACE RACE.
      From job interview to rental to dating (even those who otherwise gather under woke paraphernalia like rainbow flags, German gays unabashedly write "keine Asiaten, keine Afrikaner" on gay dating profile).
      Everything is directness and bitter truth. Everyone else are wrong, and Germans are always legit.
      If you do not like it, you just need to go back to where you come from.

    6. Not a week goes by without me looking forward to your videos. This channel is awesome. This is my first time commenting here. I've been enjoying your videos for a long time. Keep up the good work you two!

    7. I live in the UK so like Germany we have access to free healthcare which is funded through the taxes the we pay. We also have a welfare system in case you lose your job or get sick and can't work. If I could speak german I would live in Germany because it's a well organised and beautiful country. I love the USA but I wouldn't live there because of the cost of healthcare and a very limited welfare system. When I first visited the USA I was shocked at how much poverty there is and how many people at retirement age still work as pensions are very modest. I think life is much better if you live in Northern Europe.

    8. Dear Jen and Yvonne, I have always found your content excellent and very helpful. Your research work for each video is impressive. I really enjoyed this format of conversation. You both have a natural ease with which you talk in front of the camera. The conversation didn't appear rehearsed but was fully to the point and well structured! As for the information and topic of today, that was really needed. I am currently on the lookout for jobs, and your video certainly clarified some perspectives. Thank you very much, and all the best! ❤

    9. I'd like to add that, like me, a lot of medical doctors from Southern Europe and the Balkans are also moving to Germany, where we can start a career (at the residency level) with minimum 60.000€/year gross and guaranteed pay raise each year. In our case Germany is not particularly different in terms of culture, lifestyle and safety, what really makes the biggest different is in fact the salary (which in Portugal for example would start at 27.000€ gross). Of course this is only my opinion, I'd like to know if others think otherwise

    10. I so enjoy your videos! My husband and I couldn’t make a trip to Germany work for us this year, but we are going to Budapest this summer. Any quick advice or must see/dos?

    11. I've decided not to settle down in Germany because I found it challenging to adapt or make the necessary sacrifices to live with the inconveniences in Germany. Also, I'm dissatisfied with the high taxes, even though I'm content with a lower salary compared to that of the United States or Canada. However, I definitely understand that Germany can be an excellent country for those who prioritize different values.

    12. Quality of life is degrading fast here in Germany in my opinion, also salary (value wise) is going down. Based on my 8 years living experience!! And there is no sign things will get any better!

    13. Once again, you guys have nailed this discussion with crisp and clear conversations. Thank you very much 😊. Apart from this I suggest need your suggestion. I have joined the Organization here in Germany in October 2023. Am married !! But, my wife and kid are staying back in my home country . As per my understanding I should come under tax class 1. But, when I checked my payslip it says the tax class 3. So, in this case should I inform the tax office? Or tax office knows about this ? I mean I just want to understand is everything fine here ? I don't want to face tax issues in the upcoming months once my family is here. Please do let me know your feedback!!

    14. At least here in Mexico, you most certainly not lower o middle class if you can afford some one to help you clean your house (much less if you can afford them to be living with you).
      You the low class is doing this jobs for dirty cheap and with no labor laws to back them up.

    15. this channel is one of my favourites about getting knowledge about germany and the german people and their culture. I just want to thank you both for making this content, sharing your experiences and so much more- its soo soo soo helpful. I have been watching your videos ever since i was about to come germany for studies and now i am in this country. Confidently. Your channel is so fun and informative at the same time and i just loveee your humor and little jokes you make. lovee you both <3

    16. Really honest views; I suppose this video will convey that there are things in life which are bigger than MONEY! And how money shall not the only thing that they shall compare when choosing to move to Germany vs other Western Countries.

    17. The thing I've found about Germany is that they don't really have a "learning while on the job" option. Most employers expect you to have some kind of apprenticeship (Ausbildung) even if it's for admin or secretarial work. I would also advise anyone who's coming to Germany to check whether their qualifications are recognised. I've known several people who have found that theirs weren't – and then they had to start over from scratch where their career was concerned. I find the cost of living to generally be pretty good – at least in comparison to South England. However, it has definitely gone up in the last two years, especially since the Covid pandemic and the Ukraine War. Supermarket prices are particularly shocking.

    18. Hello All. I follow your channel since the last year and wanted to say you guys doing favor to many expats who are planning to move to Germany! Very useful content! Thank you 🙏

    19. I live in Belgium and would like to move to Germany. Mainly because of me being a petrolhead and BE punishes you for that. Second reason being for my peace of mind, living in BE makes me stressed/depressed. Just thinking about the idea to move to DE makes me hopeful.

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