Ilan Pappe, professor of history at the University of Exeter and Director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies, to discuss the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza.

    After expanding on the Western-led colonial structure of the establishment of Israel – particularly in the ethnic cleansing of local populations – Ilan Pappe walks through the thriving cosmopolitan world of pre-Israel Palestine, one in which communities and religions coexisted, as a proper pretext for a discussion of the following eviction and cleansing of these local populations in the leadup to the Nakba in 1948, also touching on the use of Europe’s own crimes against Jewish people as a justification for the violence being imposed upon the Palestinians from 1948 on.

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    1. what frustrates me is that the world's most central problems seem to boil down to all the decent people (yes still the majority, even the vast majority) basically saying, to assholes, "hey asshole, don't be an asshole" — like everyone decent is saying to Israel right now — and of course, no asshole will listen, because assholes…

      we need the actual non-fascist way of forcing assholes out of power, aka actual social democracy, and we need it on the global scale, or we will continue to stay in this same, never-ending, dysfunctionally abusive and enabling cycle that is the same on the macro scale as it is in any micro scale effed-up family that would be textbook 101 case for actual DCFS intervention that is worthwhile and just

    2. I agree. A two state is just not possible by the way the Israelic government has tried over and over again to TAKE more land. Both regions have performed acts of terrorism in their own way. That needs to stop and that will not happen by just picking sides. The question of either Palestine or either Israel is ridiculous, just like a two state is ridiculous. Hamas is not Palestina, as much as Palestina is not Hamas. The same goes for Israel and the zionists.
      A country where they all can live and where they all have equal rights is the only path to go right now, imo. Can we be hopeful though?

    3. I absolutely loved listening to this episode. Palestine (pre Israel violent and murderous occupation) sounded like a wonderful place and incredibly colourful and peaceful. I can’t wait for Palestine to be free again. 🇵🇸

    4. Well, there are roughly over 4,000 religions in the world. So, sleep well knowing you're ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY 100% sure you're following the right one. You're only betting your soul and eternity, nothing major. 😉 (BTW, those other 3,999+ religions you don't believe in, that makes you 99% atheist agnostic.)

    5. Jews all over the middle east were ethnic cleansed there were thousands of Jews all over the middle east as well as many Christians and today they just don't exist. Because of this why would the Jewish state allow Arab oppressors to be allowed into the Jewish state.
      The Arabs in 1948 forced Arabs out of Israel in order to attack the Jewish nation and then the Arabs were promised they could return when all the Jews were killed.
      Israel is not an oppressive or an Apartheid state.
      Stop your miserable lying you pathetic people

    6. A two state solution is possible, but it must be premised on:
      1) The complete withdrawal of all Israeli settlers from the West Bank, including East Jerusalem;
      2) The creation of a viable, permanent land bridge between Gaza and the West Bank so that the two parts of the prospective Palestinian State are not reliant on Israeli good will to become economically integrated;
      3) The automatic citizenship in, and right of return to, Palestine of all Palestinian refugees; and
      4) The complete and permanent withdrawal of Israeli forces from Palestinian territory.

      I am sure other conditions would be sort and negotiated by either party; including special conditions relating to the transition from the current situation to the two State solution. But these four conditions are absolute, non-negotiable requirements for a viable Palestinian state, and hence for any viable two state solution.

      However, I have serious doubts as to any political will for a two state (or any) solution within Israel.

    7. Gosh, I've been around long enough to recall 67, but I didn't know the half of what you touch on here. My heart bleeds. Some family members were killed in Auschwitz, there are documents relating to them in Israel. But I cannot see myself wanting to visit that state while it misbehaves so flagrantly. The support and tolerance of so many states might aim at securing their own interests in maintaining a status quo in the greater region but I find it profoundly embarrassing.

    8. I think all your videos about Israel could be referred to as "myths". It's kind of disgusting actually. And to be clear I am referring to the anti Israel agenda

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