Delivering Katie’s fave thing while she’s in London at a Garmin event and we ride bikes round Regents Park.
    We discussed the art of drafting strangers and the “ponytail effect”.
    Have you experienced this?!
    Then another special delivery of Rob to Wrexham AFC. He’s got a match ticket for the football while I go to Alton Towers theme park with my boys!

    Katie’s recent video from Mont Ventoux:

    For more of Rob’s Wrexham adventures:

    Follow me on:



    1. Some guys unfortunately were taught by the guys that raised them to not let another guy and definitely not a girl win. Never did understand it myself but its a fact. Dont let them bother you just ride right passed them and let them lose 👍 and in Robs defense he can ride the scooter in either lane as long as no cars are coming he has Munzee to cap 🤠

    2. I think it was Peta Mullens who referred to passing blokes as "chicking" them – she revelled in it :). And as you experienced there was always some twat who went mental. Don't back off next time, if they explode and die, that is natural selection at work. I get overtaken by everyone!

    3. I just assume that whoever overtakes me isn't going as far! Whoever they are😅But seriously, I was once passed by a woman and there was nothing I was going to do except wave and say hello. She looked around astonished I wasn't keeping up with her. Not every ride is a race.

    4. As a bloke I can confirm that I do not do this at all. I know several women who are far stronger riders than I am (ex Team GB Triathletes) and I know my level.
      The blokes who play silly buggers like that are generally insecure man-babies…
      Some blokes feel the need to overtake anyone ahead of them for the same reason – it is funny when they try to overtake but cannot sustain the effort…
      Although I do take exception to being passed by an E-Bike on occasion 😉

    5. Last summer I was pushing on up a local incline and got passed (very strongly too) by a young lady. My immediate thought was "wow 😎 " rather than "must pass". Saw her a week or so later outside Costa when I was minus a bike and introduced myself as the chap she annihilated the week before. Really nice person, chatted bikes for a bit before going our own ways. She was stronger, fitter and faster than me.. And you know what? admitting that didn't kill me.

    6. I live in the Netherlands and am regularly overtaken by girls on bikes. There are some very talented athletes around and it's a pleaure to see them out training.

    7. Love this. I never overtake people but I do get comments by the odd rider about my size. I’ve also had two guys overtake – one looked back at me, shook his head and I then heard them laughing. I don’t know what they said but it made me feel so sad 😢

    8. when you overtake someone you have to expect that they will try to keep up or eventually pass you it's the best way to gauge your performance of course riding directly behind the wheel can be creepy.

    9. Morning Miss Lou. Thank you for the post. Bike riding manners are not taught at all. Tiz the new generation of riders. Have a nice time in Florida. And a Huge HooYah to Miss Katie.

    10. Hahaha
      I'm a coach here in Germany's south.
      Whenever I do a spin with the U17 girls I beg them to go easy on me and not drop me all the time.

      In Germany, that's not a thing.

    11. What a shame that the pony tail effect is still in existence and we chaps haven't moved on. I've trained along side ladies in many areas of sport right up to quite a high level and never had a problem with them trashing me. If they were simply faster/better or just at a different stage in their training/event preparation cycle. Why does it need to be such a big thing for chaps? Shame that it still goes on and lets hope a little public airing might help . May thanks for the video.

    12. As a regular commuter, I've seen cyclists overtake me and I just know they've done it on purpose, I just leave them to it. Get's a bit awkward when I catch them up at the lights.

    13. i have plenty of female rider friends that are much stronger than I am on climbs, I might catch some of them on the decents. maybe 😅

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