Oh how the Danes love their liquorice ✨ and if you’re a foreigner in Denmark, you may question this as well. It doesn’t take long for a Danish friend or colleague to pressure you into trying lakrids. Some Americans love the black liquorice flavor and it exists outside of Scandinavia, but the magnitude and scale of lakrids in Denmark is something to behold.

    Even after 20 years of living in Denmark 🇩🇰 @thepiechick has held strong and isn’t into liquorice – that’s commitment. People who don’t live here think we’re exaggerating when we explain all the places you find liquorice flavoring, like toothpaste, ice cream, and granola bars.

    🧴 Is it in shampoo yet? If not, that could have been another one of Derek’s crazy business ideas that he brought up on @waydid this week 🎧 Have you listened to this week’s episode yet?
    #danish #lakrids #licorice #denmark #danmark #danes #americans #expatlife #livingabroad


    1. Look, don't pick the liquorice, it's an alternative choice of e.g standard mint toothepaste.. and honestly, the strawberry candy is less than 3 feet away from liquorice first world problem hahaha

    2. nah, we use it a little, but a lot of danish people hate it. so no, we do not put it in everything. in a bag of candy, the last pieces left in the bag will always be liquorice. we just think it is funny that you dont like it, so we will give it to you.

    3. I adore Liquorice myself, but well there are also things I will never get used to from America.: Hershey chocolate taste like vomit, Dr. Pepper is just awful and not to mention the American hang to put pumpkin or peanut butter in everything, so much that pumpkin apparently is basic white girl flavour, even if nobody I have know likes it that much, If at all. So yeah countries and people like different things.

    4. Ooh liquorice is goood 😋 there is sweet, salty and more strong ones.. I love all of them. But my favourite is "svesker" which is a lovely sweet liquorice, almost like winegums ☺️

    5. Honestly I thing it is pretty much 50/50 wether you like liquorice or not. I love liquorice but I still think putting it in everything is a bit much. My dad has lived here for around 30 years (from USA) and still can stand it. I don’t think it is an acquired taste or is something you can get used to. you either love or hate and you probably won’t get used to if you don’t like it. I’ve loved since I was a little kid and so has one of my brothers but the other 2 siblings hate it.

    6. I`ve NEVER seen toothpaste with Licorice taste……EVER……….and I`m Danish…………I Love Licorice like most Scandinavians, but I had to cut back, cause it raises your blood pressure like crazy……….

    7. I know that toothpaste tastes like liquorice (and mint), but I when I'm abroad it's still the same taste, so I'm wondering if there isn't just generally liquorice in toothpaste.

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